Hey guys, I hope this is the right category? - Wasn't one I could see for astronomy, and this is the closest I could think of (well, Aliens are up there, are they not?!)

As well as getting a new TV soon, I also recently bought another new toy... a new telescope. I love watching the stars.

Anyway, over on one of the astronomy forums, a guy recommended a program for my computer - it is simply amazing (or I think so anyhooo!).

It's free and stuff, so not a sales pitch, I am just genuinely impressed!

Basically, it will show you the stars for your location in real-time, you can play it forwards or backwards also (and at speed), turn planets on/off, it lists the various satellites, that you can also turn on/off (and their trajectories) look at the artwork of astrology from different cultures... and even I think programme in other astral bodies!

It is great for trying to spot start at night... Anyway - Stellarium is the program, and I for 1 love it!

I hope you guys like it? (sorry if you know about it already!)