first run on virgin image without needing an intialization scan is on todo list. picon generation is only on my personal todo list, but will be available in a test script as i dont intend adding picon updating to the plugin.
ive had already planned on adding some sort of picon updating at some point, but only for personal use as the main objective of this plugin is to be maintance free. there is no intention on maintaining a unique named picon set to use with the plugin. i was going to rename a picon set using the each channel's epg Channel_ID as this is a four digit unique number that remains static for each service, even if the channel tsid, sid changes.
it may be worth your while spending a couple of hours creating a custom.txt file that mimics SgtFlipFlops settings?
each time you run the plugin you will automatically have latest flipflop bouquet channel ordering.
you can even have official channel zapping AND custom channel ordering!
set option "Use HD First Bouquet = no"
run autobouquets with custom channel ordering = no
save /etc/engima2/ file to PC
run autobouquets with custom channel ordering = yes
copy from PC back to box to overwrite the current one.
you now have custom channel ordering in your bouquets and official keypress channel zapping in first bouquet.