i have peugeot 206 2006 1.4
ecu valeo j34p-aae eeprom 95160
orginal ecu total dead no info from orginal eeprom
please immo off good solution for this car
i have immo off but only 3000rpm
please help
i have peugeot 206 2006 1.4
ecu valeo j34p-aae eeprom 95160
orginal ecu total dead no info from orginal eeprom
please immo off good solution for this car
i have immo off but only 3000rpm
please help
Addautokumasi (4th October, 2019), Dr. Zoidberg (20th October, 2016), dyzio (17th September, 2018), eliaselias (14th April, 2019), gentian (23rd December, 2023), ktome (4th July, 2022), moky (27th November, 2018), mostafasfer (2nd September, 2019)
Your immo off file, compare with your file, cut pin F3 and F4 with central plug ecu before connect ecu.
You use srs units files at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damages. Don't ask about passes, one file=one pass.
If I helped, please, use magic buttons reputation+thanks.
Best regards.
Addautokumasi (4th October, 2019), aminr (2nd April, 2024), Carceaion (7th January, 2021), electronicscars (14th May, 2018), estwood68 (11th July, 2019), gentian (23rd December, 2023), KHALIFA LEDIAF (14th November, 2022), ktome (4th July, 2022), meengmse (18th April, 2017), mohammed ghanem (5th March, 2019), shegora (18th November, 2018)
Ask Vlaki or Lupu Sandu. They are the best in immo.
You use srs units files at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damages. Don't ask about passes, one file=one pass.
If I helped, please, use magic buttons reputation+thanks.
Best regards.
eliet2000 (8th June, 2023)
thanks for you i try
any solution for this ecu immo off?
this moment car start but only 3000rpm
please help
recode ecu with pp2000
Actions speak louder than words
eliet2000 (8th June, 2023)
ttzag it maybe work.
You use srs units files at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damages. Don't ask about passes, one file=one pass.
If I helped, please, use magic buttons reputation+thanks.
Best regards.
please ref of your ecu i have good solution
if you have solution for this ecu please post
i have only ecu eeprom if for you but ecu is no orginal it is donar
cleandeal (8th October, 2019), sharpshooter86 (26th May, 2022)
95160 off ok.rar
your off ok
press thanks.
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