i've heard tell that there are two copies of the original declaration of indepence. one for the americans and one for us. ours, it seems is quite a bit longer than the american version. almost as if its been edited for some reason. and ours states that the americas are still subject to british sovereignty.

everytime the americans go to war they call on us. before they decide on a war, its us they come to consult with. just what do they need us for. they are the biggest and most powerful nation on the planet.
their military is more than just just a group of forces, they are literally a war machine.
we are just a tiny island nation who just happened to rule almost the entire world at some point (perhaps we still do).
do they really need us? just what is it about us?
is it the fact that we do still control them? is it that they are running to daddy when they've got a booboo?
i believe so and so do many others.
you don't have to believe it but it certainly makes you think.