- All suggestions will be taken on board!
- Arcade added
- Portal Page
- Shoutbox
- Download section added
- Recent Threads
- New Radio and TV addon
- New style added
- mobile phone section, cant see one unless ive missed it.
- NZB swaps and movie chat etc rapidshare
- Cable forum
- Realtime Posts
- Additional sections in downloads
- Photography section
- New Live Football Scores Ticker
- Blog
- New button
- pc gamer section
- Who uses the Home Page
- attactment upload sizes
- Movie Section / CD / DVD Covers Section
- why....a child board for eurovox only...
- Upgrades in progress...
- smilies
- Youtube video in your profile page
- RSS bot in deals forum
- files
- donations
- E mail notifications ???
- TV Area ?
- Cable modem section
- Dreambox Cable section
- oooo personalized stickies in intros
- Buggy URL parser
- What would you like to see on Digital Kaos
- suggestion
- New Style - Tigra
- New Recipe Section
- request
- Future plans for Digital Kaos
- Arcade
- Live Football Scores (All Leagues)
- @ Devilfish
- Digital Kaos Stats
- Forum will be offline tonight!
- New MP3 Search Feature - Listen/Download/Lyrics
- Avatar
- Upload limit now 25MB
- Halloween forum skin
- 'Who has been the most helpful'
- Hi
- suggestion
- Kryptview Section
- new server
- Trading Post
- @ Devilfish
- Xmas Style
- Can't get Search to work
- how to section
- notification
- e.book
- to admin
- Payed Members only section
- Staff Box
- Stickies
- keep getting timed out?
- uploaders
- radio & tv
- multiple picture uploader
- new skin
- tags
- ### New Videos Section ###
- video link at top of page
- Missing
- Forum Upgrade in Progress...
- just an idea
- cant log on at work
- bigger smilies window
- Members Details
- Corrupt download announcement..
- How can I download the firmware for the Eurovox Max?
- At; devilfish
- A request to the mods
- My well earned milestone!
- Sponsor this site
- Ubuntu linux section
- Movies/DVD
- To:Forum sponsors and admin..
- understanding
- Flash files. ffffsake
- uploads failed
- download Problem
- Jumping chatbox
- edit title
- webcams on dk
- Making subscribed threads more visible
- Download priveledges
- diy/gardening
- Fish Tanks
- Delete forum account
- Dreambox Satellite Section
- A Toolbar for DK
- Font Colors when changing skins
- Would it be possible?
- OFCOM report tells Sky - hand over your HD
- Sponsors
- Can Mods Help Me?
- IRC Channel
- Fantasy Football League rewards for the top 3 teams
- Glitch When DK Veteran Using Original Style
- Email notifications
- Thread/post moved PM notification.
- travel guide
- Wiki Style information for devices / Categories
- Red Forum link missing from website
- e-mail update notification
- Share dealing
- 24 hour clock
- iPod forum
- Safari Iphone
- download
- where is the download links section
- to whom it may concern in admin
- Download problem
- tearing my hair out
- windows os sub forum
- Hide Hack
- Branded Merchandise
- Cable modems section would be great.
- cant download attachments?
- Job section wanted mr devilfish
- Animated avatar?
- hi need some help
- Infolinks
- "Search" functions erratically
- Great Site
- A Suggestion what do yall think?
- Music Downloads
- pls help
- Searching for "BMW" in Automotive Software
- DIY maybe
- No info showing on the channel listing on the Eurovox HD EX7000
- Banned from DK
- Pls. Delete My Profile!
- suggetion real time help
- why after 4 hours do i get this message
- suggestion
- pages to view
- Health Care Forum!
- re-flashing eurovox
- more pages in new posts
- Problems when logging on
- games for the arcade
- waiting time limit
- mp3 player
- download of clone thingy dont work PHP errors
- gutted!
- spell check
- guide to show easier navigation
- Data protection
- pming a noob
- Sub forum
- Is this a site error
- edit a thopi Title, sont work.
- Baffled
- Internet tv
- How to become a sponsor?
- Thank You posts getting more and more
- pls pls pls make some sticky`s
- vBulletin version
- Vote for DK bar
- Tapatalk
- Thx
- over sized pictures in posts
- Can't Download Files
- New legislation !
- Backgammon
- I really need a rant
- the most members
- software forum
- Downloads comments
- Thread subscription
- IPad Section
- New Subfourm Please!
- forum runner plug-in
- Mobile theme
- New Subfourm maybe
- eurovox ex1100 lost channels
- Forum browsing
- Social Groups
- Charcoal Skin - New Posts In
- Small modding
- VU+ duo
- anything goes
- Guest
- DK Timing Out
- Sent pm's
- garage help :(
- nokia section plz
- DK says I don't have permission to read threads?
- link not working
- No New Thread Button in Introduce Yourself Forum
- Can`t introduce Yourself
- again garage, please explaing some moments
- can't enter garage
- Can't post an Intruduce YourSelf forum...
- please help
- private messages reply
- Mac OS Forum
- Garage
- upset.
- I am unable to introduce myself
- "contributing" not on this site
- do not have permission when log in
- My thoughts... (and perhaps something useful)
- Any dignity left?
- Reading forum headings etc
- A little problem with this website :)
- Seems I'm not the only one.
- Difficulty navigating site
- Tapatalk Plugin for iPhone/iPad/Android - Updated
- Hello!
- Hello and trouble posting.
- I don't wana be rude so...
- Andriod
- anything goes room
- Strange thing
- 3d tv
- smirnoff_rules
- Forum Rules before you can post
- help me
- Help thanks
- Not getting email alerts from subscribed threads.
- www.digitalkaos.fr???
- file robbers
- Thank's for the downloads.
- ***** out of some words
- Password
- Any chance of an Android Section
- can admin or any one explain this...
- Where should I post it?
- HELP!!
- Moving subscribed threads
- Is there notifications for threads
- Download Area.. Problems..?