View Full Version : Forum Feedback and Suggestions

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  1. All suggestions will be taken on board!
  2. Arcade added
  3. Portal Page
  4. Shoutbox
  5. Download section added
  6. Recent Threads
  7. New Radio and TV addon
  8. New style added
  9. mobile phone section, cant see one unless ive missed it.
  10. NZB swaps and movie chat etc rapidshare
  11. Cable forum
  12. Realtime Posts
  13. Additional sections in downloads
  14. Photography section
  15. New Live Football Scores Ticker
  16. Blog
  17. New button
  18. pc gamer section
  19. Who uses the Home Page
  20. attactment upload sizes
  21. Movie Section / CD / DVD Covers Section
  22. GPS
  23. why....a child board for eurovox only...
  24. Upgrades in progress...
  25. smilies
  26. Youtube video in your profile page
  27. RSS bot in deals forum
  28. files
  29. donations
  30. E mail notifications ???
  31. TV Area ?
  32. Cable modem section
  33. Dreambox Cable section
  34. oooo personalized stickies in intros
  35. Buggy URL parser
  36. What would you like to see on Digital Kaos
  37. suggestion
  38. New Style - Tigra
  39. New Recipe Section
  40. request
  41. Future plans for Digital Kaos
  42. Arcade
  43. Live Football Scores (All Leagues)
  44. @ Devilfish
  45. Digital Kaos Stats
  46. Forum will be offline tonight!
  47. New MP3 Search Feature - Listen/Download/Lyrics
  48. Avatar
  49. Upload limit now 25MB
  50. Halloween forum skin
  51. 'Who has been the most helpful'
  52. Hi
  53. suggestion
  54. Kryptview Section
  55. new server
  56. Trading Post
  57. @ Devilfish
  58. Xmas Style
  59. Can't get Search to work
  60. how to section
  61. notification
  62. e.book
  63. to admin
  64. Payed Members only section
  65. Staff Box
  66. Stickies
  67. keep getting timed out?
  68. uploaders
  69. radio & tv
  70. multiple picture uploader
  71. new skin
  72. tags
  73. ### New Videos Section ###
  75. video link at top of page
  76. Missing
  77. Forum Upgrade in Progress...
  78. just an idea
  79. VOTING
  80. cant log on at work
  81. bigger smilies window
  82. Members Details
  83. Corrupt download announcement..
  84. How can I download the firmware for the Eurovox Max?
  85. At; devilfish
  86. A request to the mods
  87. My well earned milestone!
  88. Sponsor this site
  89. Ubuntu linux section
  90. Movies/DVD
  91. To:Forum sponsors and admin..
  92. understanding
  93. Flash files. ffffsake
  94. uploads failed
  95. download Problem
  96. Jumping chatbox
  97. edit title
  98. webcams on dk
  99. Making subscribed threads more visible
  100. Download priveledges
  101. diy/gardening
  102. Fish Tanks
  103. Delete forum account
  104. Dreambox Satellite Section
  105. A Toolbar for DK
  106. Font Colors when changing skins
  107. Would it be possible?
  108. OFCOM report tells Sky - hand over your HD
  109. Sponsors
  110. Can Mods Help Me?
  111. IRC Channel
  112. Fantasy Football League rewards for the top 3 teams
  113. Glitch When DK Veteran Using Original Style
  114. Email notifications
  115. Thread/post moved PM notification.
  116. travel guide
  117. Wiki Style information for devices / Categories
  118. Red Forum link missing from website
  119. e-mail update notification
  120. Share dealing
  121. 24 hour clock
  122. iPod forum
  123. IRC
  124. Safari Iphone
  125. download
  126. where is the download links section
  127. to whom it may concern in admin
  128. Download problem
  129. tearing my hair out
  130. windows os sub forum
  131. Hide Hack
  132. Branded Merchandise
  133. Cable modems section would be great.
  134. cant download attachments?
  135. Job section wanted mr devilfish
  136. Animated avatar?
  137. hi need some help
  138. Infolinks
  139. "Search" functions erratically
  140. Great Site
  141. A Suggestion what do yall think?
  142. Music Downloads
  143. pls help
  144. Searching for "BMW" in Automotive Software
  145. DIY maybe
  146. No info showing on the channel listing on the Eurovox HD EX7000
  147. Banned from DK
  148. Pls. Delete My Profile!
  149. suggetion real time help
  150. why after 4 hours do i get this message
  151. suggestion
  152. pages to view
  153. Health Care Forum!
  154. re-flashing eurovox
  155. more pages in new posts
  156. HOW TO
  157. Problems when logging on
  158. games for the arcade
  159. waiting time limit
  160. mp3 player
  161. download of clone thingy dont work PHP errors
  162. gutted!
  163. spell check
  164. guide to show easier navigation
  165. Data protection
  166. pming a noob
  167. Sub forum
  168. Is this a site error
  169. edit a thopi Title, sont work.
  170. Baffled
  171. Internet tv
  172. How to become a sponsor?
  173. Thank You posts getting more and more
  174. pls pls pls make some sticky`s
  175. vBulletin version
  176. Vote for DK bar
  177. Tapatalk
  178. Thx
  179. over sized pictures in posts
  180. Can't Download Files
  181. New legislation !
  182. Backgammon
  183. I really need a rant
  184. the most members
  185. software forum
  186. Downloads comments
  187. Thread subscription
  188. IPad Section
  189. New Subfourm Please!
  190. forum runner plug-in
  191. Mobile theme
  192. New Subfourm maybe
  193. eurovox ex1100 lost channels
  194. Forum browsing
  195. Social Groups
  196. Charcoal Skin - New Posts In
  197. Small modding
  198. VU+ duo
  199. anything goes
  200. Guest
  201. DK Timing Out
  202. Sent pm's
  203. garage help :(
  204. nokia section plz
  205. DK says I don't have permission to read threads?
  206. link not working
  207. No New Thread Button in Introduce Yourself Forum
  208. Can`t introduce Yourself
  209. again garage, please explaing some moments
  210. can't enter garage
  211. Can't post an Intruduce YourSelf forum...
  212. please help
  213. private messages reply
  214. Mac OS Forum
  215. Garage
  216. upset.
  217. I am unable to introduce myself
  218. "contributing" not on this site
  219. do not have permission when log in
  220. My thoughts... (and perhaps something useful)
  221. Any dignity left?
  222. Reading forum headings etc
  223. A little problem with this website :)
  224. Seems I'm not the only one.
  225. Difficulty navigating site
  226. Tapatalk Plugin for iPhone/iPad/Android - Updated
  227. Hello!
  228. Hello and trouble posting.
  229. I don't wana be rude so...
  230. Andriod
  231. anything goes room
  232. Strange thing
  233. 3d tv
  234. smirnoff_rules
  235. Forum Rules before you can post
  236. help me
  237. Help thanks
  238. Not getting email alerts from subscribed threads.
  239. www.digitalkaos.fr???
  240. file robbers
  241. Thank's for the downloads.
  242. ***** out of some words
  243. Password
  244. Any chance of an Android Section
  245. can admin or any one explain this...
  246. Where should I post it?
  247. HELP!!
  248. Moving subscribed threads
  249. Is there notifications for threads
  250. Download Area.. Problems..?