View Full Version : Read ISN MSD85.1

9th January, 2023, 10:47 PM
Greetings to all. A colleague asked, they wanted to put the keys in the X6 E71 MSD85.1 ECU. Tried to subtract vvdi, kess, pcm flasher. It didn't work out for them. They brought the ecu to me, I have a combiloder with an open bmw module. I read flash and eeprom, I send it to the guys in vvdi 2 shows the isn all 0. Actually, the question is isn in flash or eeprom? And can anyone check the file for adequacy? Maybe vvdi damaged something while reading?

10th January, 2023, 12:04 PM
Got a fullread, flash.ISN inside there.

3rd February, 2023, 09:47 PM
My program skip isn are, K-tag read ISN success. I write full flash to ecu. K-tag repaire checksum. ECU work.

Pavel I
4th June, 2023, 07:44 AM
Sorry for posting in a different thread.
I have a BMW f10 DME MSD85.0.
Please tell me, how can I do a full reading of the block without opening it?
Where is the ISN in the flash?