View Full Version : VW CRafter EZS defektive. Is clone possible?

15th January, 2023, 10:49 AM
Hi Guys, I have 2 Crafter EZS year 2008. the original ezs is defective and has 9S12DT256 Mask:0L01Y ID:0033 The 2nd EZS has number 9S12xDT384 Mask:1L15Y ID:C411.

I can read flash and eeprom, but I can't play the data from the defective ESZ on the 2nd EZS.

Is there a way to convert eeprom and flash from 9S12DT256 Mask:0L01Y ID:0033 to 9S12xDT384 Mask:1L15Y ID:C411?

Or , what can I do. thanks in advance.

15th January, 2023, 02:26 PM
Yes, they is a way to do that. Sadly your presence here on DK indicates that in 13 years you was not interested to help with even one post. Please remind us about your Crafter trouble in 2036.

22nd January, 2023, 12:37 PM
................Please remind us about your Crafter trouble in 2036.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: