View Full Version : doblo overcharging

9th March, 2010, 09:43 PM
hi ive a 1.9d doblo with 140,000k the battery is reading 14.5v wether the lights are on or off the - terminal has white crap around it and the water is leaking from the overflow of the battery. im told its a common fault fixed by reprogramming the immobiliser about ?70 at the dealers ??? if its not fixed im told it will just eat batterys until sorted ???
:wink::wink::wink::ciao::questionmark::questionmar k::questionmark:

9th March, 2010, 09:49 PM
Huh! Not sure on that particular vechile, but something doesn't sound right.

The charging limits are 13.8-14.4 would have said that is fine, as long as if you rev the bollocks off it with no loads on it holds at tht voltage no more.

Just for reference some jap crap charges at 14.7 volts as standard, but causes no problems.

The white shit on battery might be white grease, that some bastard has sprayed it with, (check door hinge for same grease shit)

How many wires are on the alternator, one thick and one thin?

9th March, 2010, 10:02 PM
i cleaned the dust or crap off & within 500 mile it was back its a powder not grease. the voltage didnt change with or without the lights i didnt rev it though cos i did it by myself

9th March, 2010, 10:14 PM
oh, either (if fitted) the dual mass flywheel (har-har) is breaking up or the (if fitted) free wheel clutch on alternator is seized and it's bits of belt.

Would be inclined to put some bits of paper under bonnet(to catch fire) covered in wd40 in various locations and see if it's worse on one or other side of engine bay.

Why did you start this thread? (serious question).

11th March, 2010, 12:51 AM
charging sounds fine like Meat-Head (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/members/81877-meat-head/) said, could be alternator regulator tho.

about the white stuff, i think you'l find fizzy coca-cola will get rid of that, serious!! try it but with engine switched off

15th March, 2010, 02:45 PM
ive tried a new battery & i will see how it goes. a company thats been going for years near me said my alternator was fine unless it goes above 15 volts:wink::wink::wink: