View Full Version : Eeprom ford focus 2 7m51-12a650-ub

20th February, 2023, 01:10 PM
Hello, I would need an eeprom for a focus 2, the battery is dead and I have error code p1603, I read 95160 and it is blank. ECU 7m51-12a650-ub Sw 380350 .THANK YOU!!!

20th February, 2023, 01:20 PM
Hello, I would need an eeprom for a focus 2, the battery is dead and I have error code p1603, I read 95160 and it is blank. ECU 7m51-12a650-ub Sw 380350 .THANK YOU!!!
eeprom can't be empty, check properly

20th February, 2023, 01:33 PM
Hello, I would need an eeprom for a focus 2, the battery is dead and I have error code p1603, I read 95160 and it is blank. ECU 7m51-12a650-ub Sw 380350 .THANK YOU!!!

Empty eeprom = no communication wiith ecu !

So.....kiszka is right , it's can't by empty , if only you not kill this with hot air away!

20th February, 2023, 03:12 PM
Hello, I wrote wrong, I should have written corrupted eeprom

20th February, 2023, 03:30 PM
Hello, I wrote wrong, I should have written corrupted eeprom
you don't understand, if you haven't mechanically damaged or erased with a programmer or as BREND said, then the eeprom can't be empty
there's no way it could be empty
if you still insist on giving you the contents of the eeprom then you have to read the flash, I won't be looking for the number you gave, whoever wants it, let them look

20th February, 2023, 03:50 PM
the eeprom was not empty, just "corrupt", I made a mistake in the expression, I put it in "all in one",
but it still doesn't have a code, I'm attaching a dump from the ecu and clocks, I read it with x prog, I didn't delete anything

20th February, 2023, 03:56 PM
the eeprom was not empty, just "corrupt", I made a mistake in the expression, I put it in "all in one",
but it still doesn't have a code, I'm attaching a dump from the ecu and clocks, I read it with x prog, I didn't delete anything
You still expressed yourself badly, you have damaged data in the eeprom, not a damaged eeprom

20th February, 2023, 04:02 PM
exactly my BOSS,and a full BDM helps me if it can be found

20th February, 2023, 04:10 PM
exactly my BOSS,and a full BDM helps me if it can be found
In my opinion you don't need it, what I gave should help

20th February, 2023, 04:18 PM
,,Kiszka,,you are a "phenomenon",,magical. May you be healthy, you are very useful for us. I wrote the eeprom and it started

20th February, 2023, 04:21 PM
,,Kiszka,,esti un "fenomen",,magic. Să fii sănătos, nE ești de mare folos. Am scris eepromul și a început
Thanks, Don't forget to press reputation, which some people think I'm redundant here, they don't talk about it loudly but I know what they think

I wish you health too, if you have health, there will be money, there will be no health, there will be no money