View Full Version : DM500 installing new dm500c

13th March, 2010, 03:04 PM
plzzz,, can someone help me,i have just got a new db 500c,i have no clue how to get it up and running,,,i need detailed info on how to flash/install it using my laptop etc... ty

13th March, 2010, 03:06 PM
have a look here m8 ---> http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f34/guide-flashing-dreambox-dreamup-33/

13th March, 2010, 05:16 PM
I certainly hope for your sake that you got your box for free.
Other wise you have wasted your money.

13th March, 2010, 05:23 PM
have you got a null modem cable

14th March, 2010, 05:56 PM
yes i have a null cable

14th March, 2010, 05:59 PM
Read the link from Andy and away you go ;)

15th March, 2010, 05:28 PM
If you need an image, try DK1.1 which can be found here (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/downloads/images/2/digital-kaos-v1-1-image-dm500-c-s-t-312/).

Instructions for installing the image with Dreamup are in the previous link. Instructions for installing the necessary "magic files" for free TV can be found here (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f34/digital-kaos-v1-dreambox-image-dm500-c-s-t-3872/). However, please note that the new Nagra3 encryption will render these magic files useless fairly soon. They may already be useless depending on which area you live in.