View Full Version : I just need to add the latest keys....

15th March, 2010, 11:09 AM
I made a post yesterday saying i have lost my remote.

I am controlling my DB via my PC.

All i need to do is add the 2 latest keys which i have, but where do i add them, to what file and where????

I am so close to getting my box working it's frustrating!!!!!!!

Any help would be great, thanks.

15th March, 2010, 07:23 PM
If you know how to ftp to your box, then you you should add the Auto rolling function of >>>>>http://www.mercs.us/tools/real_magic.rar<<<<<<
ftp it to your var/keys and var/scce

15th March, 2010, 11:35 PM
thanks for the reply.

yeah i know how to ftp the files.....i have the follwing dirs in that download, i know where var keys goes but not the others.

var_keys > goes to var/keys
var_bin_emu > where ?
lib > where ?

Also there is no scce dir in the download.

And what does chmod755 mean?
