View Full Version : Understanding of .dam / .a2l files

25th May, 2023, 01:54 PM
Im sitting here and looking at some damos to get a better understandin of the content and the information and how its built.
If we take a random ME7 damos like the one i have uploaded.

If we look at EPK "41/1/ME7.1.1/5/C1105B//95F8/Dst00/240609/"
We have ECU type , customer, version / prosject and so on.
But the first nombers is the one that bothers me, 41 and 1.
Have looked in the .a2l file but not found anything i feel pops up to be the meaning of these numbers.

Anyone that can add some info before i loose my mind?

Thanks and cheers!

27th May, 2023, 07:16 PM
There are 41 characters including the / in the EPK string "41/1/ME7.1.1/5/C1105B//95F8/Dst00/240609/". It's version 1 of the EPK.
