View Full Version : Audi Q5 MED 17.1 need clone

21st July, 2023, 09:31 PM
Hello everybody

I have a problem with a Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI. The original ECU is damaged and can not read any information. I have find another ECU from Audi A5 with same engine and need to clone with a software of Audi Q5.

I havent original files from Audi Q5 but I have find on this forum a Flash and Eeprom file for Audi Q5 same as my car. So anyone can help me to clone this ECU and to make it immo off after clone.

The original ECU is :
8R0 907 115 P
0 261 S06 949

Donor ECU is :
8K2 907 115 Q
0 261 S04 383

I have open both ECU and hardware are identical are the same. Please any help to clone and immo off

22nd July, 2023, 12:27 PM
the software is uncompatible. They must have the same TPROT