View Full Version : Alfa Romeo 159 1.9 JTDm 2007

22nd August, 2023, 06:34 AM
Hello friends,

some months ago, i bought an Alfa 159 1.9 JTDm, year 2007.
The previous owner said to me, that EGR and DPF is programmed out. EGR seems to ok, as its closed with a plate and and hasn't thrown an Error since about 20.000km.

2 Weeks ago, emptied the DPF, and after that i got Errors.
So i tried to remove the DPF with some lame tools (ADS DPF Remover 2007, DPF Remover free, ...) - but none of them worked (tried all solutions).

Can someone have a look into the ORIGINAL File from the ECU and tell me what was done, and what not?
As i don't have any Damos maps for the ECU, it's very hard for me to understand.

I think there was something programmed before, as the counter said it was written 8 times.

Thank you very much!

22nd August, 2023, 10:40 AM
Your is ori except 1 change for EGR disabled. It's well done with a good method.
If you want DPF-off we can try it.

22nd August, 2023, 12:28 PM
Thank you very much for looking into my issue!
Could you explain me, what was done to disable EGR? I also want to learn a bit.

That would be great do also disable DPF. How could it be done (i have no Damos/A2L for this ECU)?

22nd August, 2023, 08:26 PM
Well there are many ways to do EGR-off, hard (many maps), invasive (delete things), programs (mix) and pro (easy and no invasive). Tuner changed a volts switch.
I'll check DPF and tell you soon.

22nd August, 2023, 09:31 PM
Here your egr-off + dpf-off. Read txt.

23rd August, 2023, 02:12 PM
Thank you very much for your effort!
I have flashed ORI first, reset DPF with AlfaOBD, key off. After this i waited ~3mins.
Key on. After this i flashed your file. Key off, waited 3 mins.

But the car won't start and don't show any errors. Flashed back the ORI and it runs.

What could be the reason for this?

23rd August, 2023, 02:39 PM
May be checksum, if you have your original ecu file (no egr-off etc) post it.

23rd August, 2023, 02:53 PM
MPPS (v21) corrected 2 checksums. Should i try to write it again without checksum correction?
Too bad, i have no real ORI file, as EGR was disabled before i bought the car. Also the seller doesn't have the file (i already asked him).

23rd August, 2023, 03:31 PM
Yes, a option is write without MPPS correction, but it could block ecu too, if MPPS can not restore from your egr-off original... you will need BDM or tuner.

Well I did the checksum from one good ori for your car, so my file should work ok without MPPS changing it. So it's your decision.

24th August, 2023, 10:52 AM
I will try it to flash without checksum correction.

But i have noticed that there are many changes outside of the map in your file - many areas which were FF before and far away from other maps sections in ORI - is this intentionally?

24th August, 2023, 11:50 AM
Changes in 1BFF74 and 1FDF6E zone are automatic checksum and calcs.

24th August, 2023, 12:11 PM
Try this before previous file without checksum correct.
It's done from zero (not using your egr-off). If MPPS ask to fix checksum, say YES.

24th August, 2023, 12:14 PM
Thanks again for your effort!
Meanwhile, i tested your previous file without checksum correction - car still won't start.

Now i'm trying your second file :-)

24th August, 2023, 01:25 PM
I have tried your EGR off - the ECU is bricked now.
Flash went OK, but after this, ECU is still in Programming Mode - trying to fix this now.

24th August, 2023, 02:32 PM
Ok try with MPPS your ori egr-off, direct write, not ID or anything.
If not work Kess could work with writing or recovery option.

24th August, 2023, 03:12 PM
Tried it with MPPS - no luck (tried about 30 times).
I think i have to order a KESS/K-TAG or BDM100 - which works better for this ECU?

24th August, 2023, 04:05 PM
Simple BDM100 do it (be aware with 10-pin cable, sometimes it has +vcc inverted to ecu).
KTAG is more complete.
Good BDM + injector recode should fix it. Then from OBD read, do egr-off from zero, if ok dpf-off.
Well you want to learn, you are learning!

24th August, 2023, 04:20 PM
Just ordered a KTAG (clone). I think it's better for learning, as it's more "complete".

Can you explain a bit, how to recode injectors? I have found an Option in AlfaOBD - but is this sufficient for this ECU?

Also, do you know, where to get a good ORI BDM from this ECU?

Humans learn the best by doing mistakes ;-)

24th August, 2023, 04:50 PM
Well first is get full read from your ecu, total 1 file or separate files micro/flash/eeprom (really flash/eeprom). Eeprom is important because immo and injector code is there. Injector recode or virgin can be done with fiatecuscan/alfaobd etc in case eeprom damaged.

In Forum are BDM files, I have too.

25th August, 2023, 12:00 PM
The KTAG should arrive tomorrow.
Could you send me an ORI BDM file meanwhile?

These are the specifications from the bricked ECU:

Fiat drawing number: 55204661
Hardware number: 0281013138
Hardware version: 00
Software number: 1037380494
Software version: 3441
Homologation number: 93942
ISO code: FD863D0419
Programming date: 02/02/2007

25th August, 2023, 12:24 PM
Here flash both ODB and BDM https://fastupload.io/jBNvkxreejg2rDS/file
Searching eeprom...

25th August, 2023, 12:42 PM
Well I have 389889 sw full bdm (flash+e2p), it's official Alfa service update for 380494, in worst case we could use it too (pre virgin e2p). I hope your e2p is good, only flash bricked because chk, but until you read e2p we don't know.

25th August, 2023, 01:05 PM
380494 e2p https://fastupload.io/Y4RqeRjfVVkoROI/file

25th August, 2023, 01:26 PM
Thank you so much for all your help!
I have downloaded all files now. Also hope that E²PROM is still good...
Will update you tomorrow after i have tested it

25th August, 2023, 02:35 PM
Ok! delete all my previous mods, so not errors. When ori BDM works then mods must be done from your new ori OBD read.

First read separate flash and e2p. If e2p seems ok, check read flash vs ori BDM, if big changes then write ori flash BDM (not touch e2p) and try to do ID with KTAG, if ID ok then try OBD ID in bench with Fiatecuscan/Alphaobd and read immo status etc, if immo coded (start not allowed on bench) then try in car ID+params and run. Don't seal ecu totally until ori and mods working.

After we see about mods because there is issue, it could need to mod without chk and MPPS do it or viceversa.

26th August, 2023, 11:32 AM
I have just read the E²PROM and Flash.
E²PROM was read with 8KB and no problems.
For Flash, i get Checksum-Error and File is only 76KB (instead of 2048).
If i try to write the ORI BDM-File from you, i also get Checksum Error.

Also i noticed, that KTAG can only read HW number - the Rest (SW, SW prog., VIN, Spare, Installation, Engine) is empty.

26th August, 2023, 11:49 AM
Nevermind the checksum-error - it was just a missing runtime on my Laptop.

Writing your ORI BDM now..

26th August, 2023, 12:34 PM
Worked like a charm - thank you very much.
The car is running again, and i have it like before (No EGR, but DFP).

26th August, 2023, 12:40 PM

Very good, then now it's full ori (egr-on dpf-on)? or you did egr-off with new file? or write your original egr-off?
Get full ori OBD read (maps only says MPPS). It's the base for future mods.

26th August, 2023, 12:48 PM
I wrote my original EGR off (1 Volt Switch). DPF still on.

First i wrote your ORI by BDM - after this i checked on bench if ECU ID is ok. Flashing the Old EGR-Off or ORI image (usind MPPS) was not possible on bench, so i connected the ECU in car and wrote the Old EGR-off using MPPS v21 - worked without any problems.

26th August, 2023, 01:03 PM
Ok understood, first you must get ori read in car (OBD) before writing any mod or egr-off, because you want ori OBD as base, no old egr-off to do checksums.
I wouldn't mods from egr-off. Could work or brick again.
You can try one thing before writing flash BDM ori again + OBD maps read, you can try to write ori OBD I send you, if it works then we do new egr-off and after dpf-off (this ori OBD read could not work, because program can be different like Galletto, you want read/write from same util better).

29th August, 2023, 06:36 AM
Ok, will do this right after my holidays. I will report back to you.
If it gets bricked again, no problem - recovery with KTAG was easy ;-)

29th August, 2023, 10:39 AM
Good holidays :cool-new:

14th September, 2023, 07:18 AM
I'm back from holidays.
But on the drive back, the turbocharger started to scream very loud - maybe the brass bearings. I think i first have to replace it, before doing anything else.