View Full Version : Mercedes a class speedo problem

23rd March, 2010, 11:52 PM

got a mercedes a class 2006 where the speedo lcd is lit bright orange so you can not see the pixel.

got a used speedo now everything works but the mileage location shows -----

i have dumps from both speedo's is there a way to correct this?


ps the mercaorg file is the original not working one and the mercanew is the one that works but with dash's in the mileage location

24th March, 2010, 12:10 AM
dumps for the speedos

24th March, 2010, 12:24 AM
I had a problem with the same problem with another class A. also put the mem (a 24C32) the problem has not changed. with the diagnosis "Leonardo Accinni" the problem had been resolved (by increasing the contrast) but after 2 days is back as before. I had to buy a new kombi