View Full Version : Coding of w168 MSM 1.4 fw without star diagnosis and dump check

15th September, 2023, 08:19 AM
Hello. I don’t have star diagnosis and I need to code a fw for w168 MSM 1.4 ecu that I am waiting to arrive in the mail. I am also waiting for the eeprom programmer.
If I post the dump of my original firmware here is anybody able to check if it is corrupt and create a new one from virgin based on my dump or from code from EPC? Is HHT the only way or can I code it myself somehow with some other program directly to the dump or with an hex viewer? The. Problem is I have p0100 and p0110 and swapping the chip to another ecu never worked. The car doesn’t remain powered on. There are no start error on dash. So far I tried with 2 ecus and it’s always the same. So I am thinking maybe the fw on my ecu is corrupt. Strange thing is the car works with both my defective mafs and original chip both replaced on another ecu but not if I only swap the chip and keep the mafs of the other ecus.