26th September, 2023, 02:54 PM
Me enviaron un DME MSV80.1 de un X3 E83 de otro taller, me indican que el motor no arranca y no escanea después de que se quedó sin batería. Instalé el MSV80.1 en mi banco de pruebas y tenía todos los voltajes correspondientes, un consumo de 0.4A, 5v de salida, voltajes CAN, pero tampoco pude escanearlo, así que decidí leerlo con NT para verificar el Archivo MPC y EEP. Hice 02 lecturas y efectivamente el software estaba corrupto. Obtuve otra información completa de un MSV80 y escribí la COPIA DE SEGURIDAD, luego la reinstalé en mi banco de pruebas y ahora puede escanear, leer datos y leer DTC. Necesito su experiencia. ¿Puedo editar el ISN y el VIN en el DME de este archivo de donante que escribí? ¿Será posible reparar el archivo DME original? Le pido a mi cliente que me envíe el EWS4 para obtener el ISN original del auto.
Espero sus sugerencias para resolver este problema.

26th September, 2023, 03:01 PM
ECU ISN: 47ECC1D34586F8718C33ED2B9D15C098

26th September, 2023, 04:11 PM
Yes brother, that is the same ISN that is in the EWS4. But with that original information that I published, the engine does not start and the scanner does not enter.
I wrote the information of another MSV80 in the DME, so now it can be scanned. I'm wondering if it would be possible to edit the VIN and ISN in the DME to the new files I wrote?
thanks for your help.

26th September, 2023, 05:38 PM
ISN yes you can do it but VIN I'm not sure
I just think it's important ISN
watch this video, this is my YouTube channel, maybe it will help
but unfortunately in Arabic language


15th October, 2023, 11:00 PM
Dear friends, I carried out the entire procedure to write the ISN of the EWS to the DME after writing complete information to the DME of an MSV80 Donor, now the DME can be scanned in the car but the engine turns and turns without starting .
Maybe it's because I'm using information from a DME MSV80.
Please could someone help me with complete information for DME MSV80.1 X3 E83 LCI BMW X3 2.5si.
thank you very much in advance

15th October, 2023, 11:17 PM
msv80 oris fils work in donor only??? cuchiiri cuchibiri

15th October, 2023, 11:22 PM
la tipica averia que se queda sin bateria y se rompe jijjijii

15th October, 2023, 11:27 PM
nada del lo que dices es coherente , no puedes c meter otro archiuvo de otra ecu funciona hijo mio , si se peuede clonar , pero necesitas archivo del original y de la desguace se editan los datos de la desguace con los del donate y despues escribes no se que has hecho pero nada suena bien

15th October, 2023, 11:36 PM
What I mean is that after the vehicle ran out of battery the scanner does not communicate to the DME MSV80.1, but after I wrote a complete MSV80 file and they changed the ISN, then the engine turns and turns but does not start, the scanner if it communicates with the DME after it wrote the complete MSV80 file.
Do you mean that for this DME to work it needs its original files?
Doesn't work with a donor file?
thanks for comment

15th October, 2023, 11:59 PM
You can’t write other file of the other ecu,

15th October, 2023, 11:59 PM
Clone is posible no problem but no with ori files you can flash 80.1 to 80 with winkfp for example read two ecus donor and original an need to do clone file to write the donor ecu


16th October, 2023, 12:08 AM
This breakdown is more than the fact that it has been touched more than the fact that the battery has run out. The cars do not stop to change the battery

16th October, 2023, 01:03 AM
Please I need this case to be very clear to me. I explain to you:
The original DME of the vehicle is MSV80.1 and its files are corrupt and there is no communication with the scanner, but it can be read and written with FC200.
Just to do a test, I wrote complete information that I had read beforehand on a DME MSV80, after this process the scanner enters but the engine does not start.
If I find complete and good files for this DME MSV80.1 similar to the original one on the car, how should I proceed to restart this engine?
I wonder if I write files from an MSV80.1 and edit the ISN, could it work?
In any case I need your suggestion please
thank you so much

16th October, 2023, 01:20 AM
Me estás diciendo que la ecu original está corrupta por que se quedó sin batería ??? Muy raro eso no

16th October, 2023, 02:41 PM
That is exactly what the client explains, he reports that the vehicle was traveling fine until the battery icon on the dashboard came on and after 10 minutes the engine turned off. He insisted on starting but the engine no longer turned. The mechanical assistance determined on the road that the battery is very low and installed a good battery but the engine no longer turns at all, so it was towed to a workshop and from there they sent me the engine ecu to check it
Me estás diciendo que la ecu original está corrupta por que se quedó sin batería ??? Muy raro eso no