View Full Version : Need working hours reset BMW MEVD17.2.3

23rd October, 2023, 12:28 PM
Hello, I need a working hour reset to under 10 hours for this EEPROM Read please, to unlock it for variant coding
If possible, please also reset the flashcounter to "1"

Thank you in advance

Infos to state at readout to make it easier:
Current working hours in seconds: 3913113
mileage in Kilometers (multiple Values read out): 42821km/42824km/42815km
Systemtime readout shortly after reading: 182154600
BMW F20 116i LCi B38B15M0

HWEL_000012AE 002.019.008
HWAP_00002C48 255.255.255
BTLD_0000208A 002.059.005
SWFL_00003609 109.030.001
SWFL_0000551C 109.030.007
CAFD_00000B0A 000.105.001