View Full Version : Kess V2 Reading faliure

1st November, 2023, 04:35 PM
Hello guys,

hope you can help me here had a hard and rough start in this topic, my running kess had the protocol not found error which I´ve solved by reflashing the SD data with informations and out of this forum and did managed it to run again. Now I wanted to check my kess by reading again from my car but got as result reading failed. I´ve tried it several times but it was not working.

I´m using Kess V2 Master Clone with FW 5.017 my K-suite is 2.80.

The car I wanted to read is a golf 6 2.0 TDI -- I know here that I had succes earlier at reading the ECU

could you please help me to find out what I have to do?

I´m very thankfull to every helping attempt.

1st November, 2023, 07:22 PM
what ecu you try read ?
if ecu on car is edc17 better remove this and read with ktag or buy better tool

1st November, 2023, 08:00 PM
yes it is an EDC17, my kess did read it before, I got the ID and so on before I got the "protocol not found" error. I´ve read about new installing the k-suite and changing the SD card would that work?

1st November, 2023, 09:20 PM
what id have ecu ?

2nd November, 2023, 10:07 AM
I send here the error screen, I can not even read the ID... Also if I do something wrong please don´t judge me I am pretty new in this topic.


2nd November, 2023, 11:14 AM
press ok and carry on to obtain ID

this error apper because the ecu have done upgrade to dealer…is bug of kess clone tool because after upgrade the location on flash with ID number are changed to new location that kess have not inside old protocol

i did many of this car with VR file but only after done backup with ktag

2nd November, 2023, 12:27 PM
so you mean it should work after pressing ok? -Well I tried it now for the 4th time with Kess, it just appears like that every time... Shall I take the Ktag instead?

2nd November, 2023, 01:00 PM
nothing happen if you press ok, only ID…try it and you will see…but dont lost your time, take off the ecu and read it on the bench/boot…after this you can find ID to ask your VR file and write via obd (or bench/boot with your backup)

2nd November, 2023, 11:04 PM
Nothing happens I can´t even read the ID, it says everytime "error while opening file to read"

2nd November, 2023, 11:36 PM
Nothing happens I can´t even read the ID, it says everytime "error while opening file to read"
u cant read it with kess 2.80

3rd November, 2023, 08:28 PM
Well I did it by using another protocol for EDC17.2 I got the ID etc. Tbh. my Ktag was not here but now I will try boot with Ktag to read.

4th November, 2023, 07:44 AM
Are you sure it isn't an edc17c46? If yes it works good with VR.

4th November, 2023, 08:55 AM
Check your OBD interface connection。Even if the port is wrong, the ID should be readable

5th November, 2023, 12:05 PM
I´m pretty sure that its EDC17C46 I got the ID by using another EDC Protocoll at read, I tried the Kess also at a Nissan qashqai 1.6 tdi and got in one time the EDC17C42 read out. somehow I had after reading checksum error but I will fix this too.

I will inform you then when I´m done