View Full Version : Calterm Issues

16th January, 2024, 05:40 PM
I had Calterm 4.7 installed and was using it without issue. The other day I tried to use it again and it said Calterm 4.7 is no longer supported upgrade to the newest version...
Uninstalled and reinstalled and it still wouldn't work.
Wiped the computer and did a clean install of Windows 10, installed the prereqs, killed the internet and tried running it nothing even popped up.
Wiped and did a clean install of Windows 7 and tried it again with the same process, got a pop up saying swift has stopped working.

Has anyone else ran into this issue or know how to fix it?

11th May, 2024, 01:50 AM
Hey, not to revive a dead thread but I found an answer to your question today as I had the same problem.

It has to do with the Cummins License Configuration Tool. The newest version of the LCT flags the older versions of Calterm as out of date to try and stop people from using unlocked versions.

To get around this you need to uninstall the LCT and download/install LCT version from insite.cummins.com.

After doing this I am able to run my unlocked Calterm 4.7 with no issues.