View Full Version : KOD do RADIA Alpha 5 Volkswagen

3rd February, 2024, 08:34 AM
Please help me radio code VOLKSWAGEN ALPHA (5) 815-7642-217-360
Serial number: VWZ1Z1B1228311

5th February, 2024, 01:44 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum and came across this thread while searching for information on how to retrieve the code for my Volkswagen Alpha 5 radio. I understand that losing the radio code can be quite a hassle, especially for older models where the documentation might not be readily available. I've read through the advice provided here and appreciate the community's willingness to help out.
Before I proceed with any of the suggested methods, I wanted to ask if there are any updated steps or precautions I should be aware of. I've heard that entering the wrong code too many times can lock the radio permanently, and I want to avoid causing any damage.
Additionally, if anyone has experience with contacting Volkswagen dealerships for this information, could you share how receptive they are to providing the code? I'm considering this as an option but am unsure about the process and whether it involves a fee.
Lastly, are there any reliable third-party services or tools recommended for this purpose? While I'm cautious about using non-official channels, I'm open to exploring all options to get my radio working again.
Thank you in advance for your help and guidance. I'm looking forward to being an active member of this community and contributing where I can.

For a start you should have started your own thread, not hijack someone elses.
Secondly you need to remove the radio from the car and post it's information from the stickers and the serial etched into the case.
