View Full Version : AUDI A4 RB4 swap problem. KM ERROR

22nd February, 2024, 05:57 PM
Hi all.

Today i tried swap a RB4. original d42 donor d36. I read immodata from original dash and confirm pin and CS with ecu. Pin 03529. Then plug donor. read immodata pin 00827. I login with donor pin, then go to adaptation, chanel 50 write Ecu pin 03529 test, save but always negative response. I tried VCDS, VVDI II, FTDI and autel with the same result I wait 30 min with ig on for locked chanel but nothing. Then tried write immo data with VVDI 2 but this show that only will write Vin number. I plug carprog and this write immodata but after this i obtain error in KM display from dash. Not Def Error. only Error. maybe carprog corrupted km value. I tried write KM with VVDI II. this show success but nothing. not KM showed and Error.

Here files from EEprom original and donor. Immo data from original and donor. And eeprom after inmo data was wrote. any can help me to repair eeprom for write this back? In car all work. car start, remote work, no lights on but error in km display.

26th February, 2024, 10:47 AM

I write here the process, maybe can help someone with same situation. Carprog corrupt km data after write immodata. then i write original eeprom backup, write km via OBD to desire value. read then eeprom and compare with original eeprom. I take screenshot with difference. I take the dump eeprom with immodata but modified km values in eeprom same as in screenshot.