View Full Version : Fiat Ducato 2000 Lost Key

20th March, 2024, 01:11 AM

Lost my ducato keys, made a new one and now I need to reprogram either the immo or the transponder.

I have a 93c46 original dump file from immo box: 93c46-original.hex (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtLsiV_VBtji02dgGzrsDeUhSfA0?e=YjObOe)
The actual transponder code is: FF 81 1C 32 9A CB 62 59

I need this to be the master key.
Can anyone help me with the transponder or the dump to match?

Thank you.

20th March, 2024, 04:32 PM
This is already solved. This particular transponder is Writable and I was able to generate the data to write it from the eeprom using IProg software with "Write key" option.

Next step is to add 2 Read-Only transponders Megamos 13:
Key 2: FF 81 C4 9D 2A D3 DF 36
Key 3: FF 81 C4 9D 26 70 55 57

Need to add them to the 93c46 eeprom in the format hex:
xx xx xx xx

Can anyone generate it for me?
Can anyone give me a clue how to generate it?

Thank you!!