View Full Version : activation problem on Peugeot Docbackup 4 2009 ...????

7th April, 2010, 11:48 AM
I have searched the forum but didn't find anything like the problem i have.

I have a pc with windows 7 installed and i have the following problem.

I install Peugeot DocBackup 04 2009, i replace the "infos" file , I run it, generally everything works great .
My problem starts when i restart the pc .
When i run the it again after the restart the tray becomes gray and says "the application is not activated, uninstall it ".
I have the same problem with my laptop that also runs Win7 x64.

If i uninstall it, clean the registry keys manually with regedit, and install it again , it does the same thing, it runs great until i restart the computer ..... after that..... failure :(.

My code is: KTBUKAAA
My country is :Greece "GR"
The language i install DocBackup is :Greek
The key i use is : ZODWTMYOUB2ROSLD

I found another threat that someone had a similar problem win Citroen DocBackup on windows Xp and the solution was a different activation key... only he could install it but not run it at all......

Any idea is welcomed
Thank u i advance
