View Full Version : Toyota ECU

21st May, 2010, 08:39 AM
Is it possible to tell whether its a 4C or 4D system by looking at the ECU serial number?

Secondly, is it safe to flash the im*o on board using a 8 pin test clip?

Finally, is anyone here in the brisbane, ausy area?



22nd May, 2010, 02:10 AM


22nd May, 2010, 01:29 PM
corolla different year differenr chip

23rd May, 2010, 02:42 AM
I am a newbie, so apologises if the questions seem stupid..

Any1 else?

23rd May, 2010, 04:14 AM
Is it possible to tell whether its a 4C or 4D system by looking at the ECU serial number?

Secondly, is it safe to flash the im*o on board using a 8 pin test clip?

Finally, is anyone here in the brisbane, ausy area?


Its really tough but not impossibe to get such info. If you google the serial number , you get an idea of what car uses the ECU and then you can check each up in the posted file once you know the year of car you will be able to know what system it is.
RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting (http://rapidshare.com/files/390549614/Silca_transponder_guide.pdf.html)

Except you have Zeb-Bull with Zed-prog, its better to remove eeprom and read.
I do not live in Australia.

23rd May, 2010, 01:53 PM
ic900= micrchip 93l56b
the key is 4c
good luck

26th May, 2010, 01:13 PM
thanks for the input.

Any1 in ausy?

27th May, 2010, 08:39 AM
Start at the begining mate. What the story? Lost keys? What car/year?

30th May, 2010, 05:05 AM
I have a '04 corolla.
Basically car did not come with any master keys, only a single valet key. :banghead: Didn't realise that till I read around.. sigh~

After reading around, I understand that I can flash the im*o chio into a virgin state so that I can re-attach new master keys instead of the ECU replacement.

Also thought of using those orange toyota resetters on Ebay, but couldn't get a proper/uniform answer on whether it will work..

I am keen to do that cause the current valet key does not open the doors properly (i think the teeth are worn out) and also does not open the boot.
Then I can have spare keys as well! :proud:

Then again, I am no locksmith or a electrical engineer. I understand the flashing and writing part, but have no experience in it nor do I have any tools to read/write the chip...


30th May, 2010, 06:05 AM
pls can some give me some ecu pinout diagrams so that can at lest know he is testing

30th May, 2010, 07:15 PM
these type of corollla no way to add new key without the master key
u have change the ic data but u can transfer the transponder key to other new key
our make copy by any type of 4c copy like ad90 our ad900

30th May, 2010, 11:33 PM
why do i need to copy the key?

I thought once the im*o is flashed, I can just attach 2 new master and 1 valet key (current key)?

31st May, 2010, 02:58 PM
Hi Stalker, you’re correct, you will need to re-flash your immo if you want a remote key.

You can CLONE your existing valet key if you want. It won’t have the remote buttons but it will open your boot/glove box when it is correctly cut.

Your system is a 4C so the orange OBD box won't work.

If I was you can't post a dump of the chip, I would ring around a few locksmiths and see who can reset it for you and provide you with the new keys.
The new keys will have to be introduced to the car by you when you plug it back in.
Make sure they do it in the shop and don't send it away to get it done as it will cost you more.

Let me know how you get on.

31st May, 2010, 03:12 PM
Hi Fallen,

I did ring around, but they are quoting me 400 bucks (cheapest) to some who quoted me 1K (saying its cheaper then a new ECU).

I would like to do it myself if I had the equipment or could convince some1 who could help me out.. :p
I am on a very tight budget...

1st June, 2010, 08:34 AM
A remote key, not programmed to your car will cost you in excess of $300 as a spare part mate, there is no budget option if this is what you’re after.

A cloned key will cost you about $100 from a locksmith.

If your hell bent on resetting the immo and programming the keys yourself, all you need to know is on this site here.
If everything goes well it will just cost you your time and perhaps a hundred bucks in parts but if things go wrong you may be up for a new immo.

Start smashing the "Thanks" button to the kind members who helped you out and best of luck on your project!

1st June, 2010, 08:46 AM
actually my remote is separate, so just the key itself.
aren't the master transponder keys cheap?


1st June, 2010, 09:16 AM
Non remote master keys are cheap yep, you can probably find them on ebay if toyota are asking too much for them.

1st June, 2010, 09:27 AM
with that in mind, won't the entire process be quite cheap then?

1st June, 2010, 01:23 PM
Already answered this

"If everything goes well it will just cost you your time and perhaps a hundred bucks in parts but if things go wrong you may be up for a new im*o."

2nd July, 2010, 01:53 PM
Also thought of using those orange toyota resetters on Ebay, but couldn't get a proper/uniform answer on whether it will work..

I bought an orange and a blue programmer off eBay just out of curiosity. They work damn fine!


3rd July, 2010, 03:35 AM
Could you tell me the im*o system in your car? 4C or 4D?

3rd July, 2010, 06:32 AM
Hi m8, your options are clear and defined and whatever they are you will cough out some quid, Now, you can not do this car without either giving it to some1 to do or you having to learn to do it and if you must learn you will have to buy tools, like eeprom reader, soldering iron or Station and this way you will be able to do some other ones that come your way. The other alternatives are to get to the dealer and spend the big bucks and the last is to get some1

3rd July, 2010, 06:35 AM
Hi m8, your options are clear and defined and whatever they are you will cough out some quid, Now, you can not do this car without either giving it to some1 to do or you having to learn to do it and if you must learn you will have to buy tools, like eeprom reader, soldering iron or Station and this way you will be able to do some other ones that come your way. The other alternatives are to get to the dealer and spend the big bucks and the last is to get some1 on dk to help you do it and you only pay for shipping, an option am ready to take with you. You send me ECU and i fix for you . Pm me if interested.

18th July, 2010, 08:45 AM
I am in a similoar situation with a 2008 yaris & am planning on aorting it out myself. I ahve been researching here & will let you know what I am gonna do, I think you will be able to do the same. And please if anyone thinks this wont work please tell me!

I am going to buy a carprog reader so I can read the dump file of the immo chip which is in the ecm but it can be in its own immo box, it will have 93c66 on the chip.
i will use the carprog to clip onto the chip so i dont have to remove it, and get a dump of what is on the immo chip. & i can post here to obtain a virgin file which I can re-write to the immo chip.
then I can introduce a new key bought from the dealer or a locksmith.
this is my understanding of what i need to do based on my research, i hope it will work!

18th July, 2010, 02:50 PM
Bang on dude. Except skip the car prog and buy a $10 programmer if your only going to use it once.

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/24Cxx-93Cxx-and-25xxx-Serial-Eeprom-programmer-E-EPROM-/160451354615?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255ba55ff7 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/24Cxx-93Cxx-and-25xxx-Serial-Eeprom-programmer-E-EPROM-/160451354615?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255ba55ff7)

get your clip as well.

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/SOIC-8-SOIC8-8-Way-SMD-Programming-Testing-Test-Clip-/310234562678?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483b6bc076 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/SOIC-8-SOIC8-8-Way-SMD-Programming-Testing-Test-Clip-/310234562678?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483b6bc076)

I love it when people research first! You make me happy face!


I should mention that reading the chip while it is still on the PCB may cause you issues.

Best of luck with your project, let us know how it goes.

10th September, 2010, 11:24 AM
I am from Adelaide / Australia and have here a 2004 Toyota Corolla 120 series, no keys.
What would be the procedure to flash the ecu please.
Txs everyone

3rd November, 2010, 10:34 AM
this can be done quite cheaply if your prepared to search around for used keys from ebay or breakers yard etc.
you can buy the case only keys with either two or three buttons, depending which you need

just take the innards out of the used ones put them into new blade case and have the new blades cut using your grey key.

if as you say, the key you have is worn then take out the door lock and take it to a locksmith to read the cutting code from lock.

as far as the reflash, find someone who has removed chips from pcb before, don't attempt it yourself you'll end up with a screwed board. anyone who does serious radio decoding should be able to do it.

locate the virgin file, write to chip, replace chip and your in business

you don't have to program 3 new keys you can use 2 keys just use key 1 twice

make sure you know the correct programming procedure before learning the keys to ecu

hope this helps

3rd November, 2010, 03:10 PM
I have a '04 corolla.
Basically car did not come with any master keys, only a single valet key. :banghead: Didn't realise that till I read around.. sigh~

After reading around, I understand that I can flash the im*o chio into a virgin state so that I can re-attach new master keys instead of the ECU replacement.

Also thought of using those orange toyota resetters on Ebay, but couldn't get a proper/uniform answer on whether it will work..

I am keen to do that cause the current valet key does not open the doors properly (i think the teeth are worn out) and also does not open the boot.
Then I can have spare keys as well! :proud:

Then again, I am no locksmith or a electrical engineer. I understand the flashing and writing part, but have no experience in it nor do I have any tools to read/write the chip...


Hi Mate,

This is James Chen Brisbane and I have all the tools needed to help you do the job. PM me if you need help from me.

3rd November, 2010, 03:15 PM
I am from Adelaide / Australia and have here a 2004 Toyota Corolla 120 series, no keys.
What would be the procedure to flash the ecu please.
Txs everyone

Hi Mate,

I live in Brisbane and have all the tools to do ECU reseting and program new keys into your car. just PM me if you need help on this matter. if you can send me your ECU then I can reset it with two keys programmed into it. you can start the car once install it back on. Local locksmith may charge you up to A$800 for doing it, ouch!

7th September, 2011, 12:23 PM
digging up this old thread, i have a question for the pros here, since its more difficult to write to the chip, as compared to reading it from OBDII...
is it possible to read the master key data from the ecu and duplicate the transponder pin to another new key? and use that as a new master key to reprogram the system?


7th September, 2011, 02:45 PM
for me i can only know through the dump.

10th September, 2011, 05:24 AM
no1 knows?