View Full Version : Mercedes Temic airbag pinout needed

26th May, 2010, 03:05 AM

does anyone know the pinout (k line, vcc, gnd) for a Mercedes SLK Temic airbag?

A 171 820 24 26
Temic 4956 Armada 12 BR 171

Many thanks

marisa freitas
1st August, 2018, 11:25 AM

does anyone know the pinout (k line, vcc, gnd) for a Mercedes SLK Temic airbag?

A 171 820 24 26
Temic 4956 Armada 12 BR 171

Many thanks

Do you have the connection to this unit? I need it, can you help me?
Tanks in advance

1st August, 2018, 11:33 AM
Which year Mercedes ?

1st August, 2018, 11:54 AM
PIN 1=+12V.56=GND???
K line=32 pin

marisa freitas
1st August, 2018, 01:24 PM
Which year Mercedes ?
2006 maybe, not sure

marisa freitas
1st August, 2018, 01:25 PM
2006 , not sure

marisa freitas
1st August, 2018, 01:26 PM
to read MCU?

9th February, 2021, 07:25 PM
Which year Mercedes ?

Its a Mercedes W171 05/2004
ECU REF Temic Armada A171 820 31 26 Q1

Hello dragon100 can you please help me i have a problem in a mercedes w171 temic armada need to virginize to program in other car can you help i have no crash in this file i have bought one from the junkyard was working for a day then i lost complete comunication with the airbag ecu can you check my dump?