View Full Version : [HELP] Jaguar S Type 2000 Problem

7th July, 2010, 05:43 PM
I bought a used and broken Jaguar S Type 2000 from someone and i wanna repair it. I let the car to my friend which has a car service but he works with mercedes and bmw and not with jaguar. he owns a autologic diagnosis computer and he works with it.
now the car problem is:
when u try to start the car it wont even make a noise. so it doesent. the electrical system works coz it locks and unlock the doors with remote etc. the audio system doesent turn on and in the lcd of the car shows : Steering Column Locked. and the steering wheel is locked. it does detect the key. the previous owner said that the car fell in water, if i remember well was the left driver side.

When diagnosing with autologic i remember to errors ( there were many ) Engine Locked and Theft detected. can it be that the car is in alarm mode (theft) and doesent unlock the steering wheel when u insert the key?

Please advice me which diagnosis computer to use and what can be the problem

thank you

7th July, 2010, 08:00 PM
how far submerged under water was the car? i've done water damaged vehicles before & every time i've had to replace every ecu on them

7th July, 2010, 10:06 PM
how far submerged under water was the car? i've done water damaged vehicles before & every time i've had to replace every ecu on them

it was for seconds
the driver was in car so he came out with the car in seconds
after that the car was ok and he drove home.
next day he was able to push the gas pedal but it wast working. next to that someone tried to repair it and it didnt start anymore (maybe due to the security system)

thank you

8th July, 2010, 01:29 PM
BUMP. Any one can help please?


11th July, 2010, 03:25 AM
Factory alarm related. If it ran after word who ever tried to fix fluck worse. try a tcode/t300 and readd keys.