View Full Version : I'm a Newbie - can anyone help please

17th July, 2010, 10:15 PM
Hi everyone

Can anyone please help me obtain a radio code for my old car. Changed battery at weekend and now the radio needs to be recoded. Its a Philips 22DC794/32, serial number WA008949. Any help much appreciated.

17th July, 2010, 10:37 PM
Hi everyone

Can anyone please help me obtain a radio code for my old car. Changed battery at weekend and now the radio needs to be recoded. Its a Philips 22DC794/32, serial number WA008949. Any help much appreciated.

Welcome to Digital Kaos

Yes, I can help you... by asking you not to post the
same question to the forum for a fourth time please.
Your question has been noticed.

However, it can only be answered should a member come online
who has the facility eg. database in order to
answer the radio decode question.

Please be patient.

In the meantime go here

Introduce Yourself (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f2/)

it's always considered good manners.
and enjoy DK.

18th July, 2010, 08:11 AM
Thank you very mutch for your reply. Perhaps I was a little to desperate.

I'll try to behave from now.

Best regards,


18th July, 2010, 08:34 AM
Thank you very mutch for your reply. Perhaps I was a little to desperate.

I'll try to behave from now.

Best regards,


I does look like you are desperate mate ....so post ALL the numbers from the radio ...including the one stamped into the side of the radio and we may be able to help.....

18th July, 2010, 10:11 AM
I does look like you are desperate mate ....so post ALL the numbers from the radio ...including the one stamped into the side of the radio and we may be able to help.....

Philips 22DC794/32

serial code: WA008949

number stamped into the site: PH794WX7001868

sticker on the back: 794/32 A0
949 80

Hope you can help me.


18th July, 2010, 12:19 PM
Philips 22DC794/32

serial code: WA008949

number stamped into the site: PH794WX7001868

sticker on the back: 794/32 A0
949 80

Hope you can help me.

Code is --> 9934

18th July, 2010, 12:46 PM
Code is --> 9934

You are super. I ran directly to my car en entered your code. The code is correct. Thank you very much for your shortnote service. Now I can listen to the music in my old classic car.

Best regards,


14th October, 2019, 02:59 PM
Philips 22DC794/32
serial code: WA008947
number stamped into the site: PH794WX7001422

Hope you can help me.


14th October, 2019, 03:24 PM
Philips 22DC794/32
serial code: WA008947
number stamped into the site: PH794WX7001422

Hope you can help me.


Your code is 6417
