View Full Version : GT1 / DIS issues, shock :P

30th July, 2010, 12:15 PM

i am quite new to this forum, and have already found a lot of interesting info.

However i do have a few questions about the gt1.
First of, i am a former bmw mech/tech so i am familiar with the use of the original gt1.

What i am missing from the china clone is
1: The possibility to use measure system. Not only from main menu, but when doing test schedules i often get error 100.173 (i think) because of problems with measure system. REally annoying, because often you don't want to physically use the measuring tools connecte to the gt1, you just need access to the test schedule to do the changes you want.

2: The possibility to use a printer. Cant even begin to describe how annoying this is.

3: The yellowhead has som clear electrical issues. When i connnect the head to the car, ignition will come partially on, BRAKE lights will come on, heater etc. on older 20pin cars oil lamp will start to light, but very weak....

if annyone can help with anything i'll be very glad :)

as for the gt1, i won't recomend a china clone to annyone, maybe for simple hobby use, but not for proffesional use when i clearly has big flaws (my first head wouldn't work with 16pin cars, +++++)

30th July, 2010, 09:37 PM
It is my understanding there is NO! measuring system avaliable in china clone.
Printer easy as= Network to hub and use any post script printer.
other issues???

1st August, 2010, 01:50 PM
Thanks :)
im not really a computer guy, but i'll try connecting a printer through a hub. Do i also connect the yellowhead through a hub? or can i only use one at a time?

about the measuring system its a shame. A china company told me that the problem was with the install? that they had not installed this function.. would be great if annoyone could come up with a fix. I'd buy it.

But what about the elctrical issues then?with brake lights and stuff coming on?? it does not happend all the time, but most..

1st August, 2010, 02:43 PM
just to make it clear, i run the ibm t30 with unix system..

1st August, 2010, 02:51 PM
And also, YoHo Tech is as close to a scam you can come, while actually recieving a product. They are not a producer like they state, there is horrible customer support. Products don't work, you have to pay insane shipping, and the agreements and deals you have are broken every singel time.

NEVER buy ANYTHING from yoho tech.