View Full Version : ford mondeo y reg car locking on its own

5th August, 2010, 01:39 PM
Any body got any idea why my whole locking system is temperamental. Sometimes it works with the remote and sometimes it locks on its own. There have been times when the windows wind down themselves. thanks

5th August, 2010, 04:21 PM
Sounds like car is haunted by dead 80 year old fomer owner, you need the services of a priest or ghostbuster - unless meaty knows better

6th August, 2010, 06:15 AM
dont think ill be thanking you on that one ive gone 10 steps back now

6th August, 2010, 06:13 PM
Hi there welcome to DK the worlds best website.

Member DIK is a valuable member of DK, look here he is now on DK helping other members


Now firstly

1) Think that DIK is on the right lines

2) If you unlock the car it may or may not re-lock it's self in case them snot gobbling things that make baby vomit get hold of the keys, unlock the car and wander off leaving your full ashtray for people to steal

3) Sounds like either one of the barrels has done a Bob Marly

4) One of the remote controls buttons has collapsed, or has a ghost in it

Suggest removing the batterys out of the remotes for a few days, lock off the
key and see if that makes the situation worse.

or you could just take the car to DIK Motors.


He is an amazing bloke.

TIP: Just drive through the red traffic light at the end of his street, it's to keep the tax man away