View Full Version : HELP! pls. VAGTacho v1.7 cant login to passat year 2004

10th August, 2010, 04:19 PM
I wish to correct the millage on a VW Passat TDI year 2004 with VAGTacho v1.7 and I got all the time "ACCESS DENIED" message.
I try to connect to the instrument table around 30min and I don't know how many time connect-disconnect the software but I got all the time only the message "ACCESS DENIED".

In some case I get some processing message like "calculating some key ..." but it stops and get again the "ACCESS DENIED" message.

Is it possible to correct the millage on this Passat with this tool?
Is it possible to upgrade or convert my cables hardware to v2.5 or higher? I'm knowing in electronic stuff and MCU-s so I think it is possible...

Thank you.