View Full Version : '04 VW Golf R32 OBD II Problem

17th August, 2010, 10:02 AM
(caution long post...sorry)

Looking to see if anyone can offer some insight, I have what appeared to be a straight forward problem, but like they say no all things are what they seam. So let me unravel my situation:
I have a customer who was referred to me for not being able to set its monitors. Some may or may not know that here in the states (Calif.) in order to register your vehicle or transfer title, one must pass an emssion test (aka: Smog test) which for OBD II complaint vehicles includes no MIL (aka: Check engine light ) can be commanded on nor have no more than 2 monitors (1 for mdls '01>) not completed. Now here is where I come in, I get a call from the new owner letting me know that no codes are present and no mil illuminated but can not get the monitors to complete and has driven various "recommend" drive cycles with over 1000 miles, to no avail.
As some of you might know, on VAG vehicles one can force / generate readiness status (those that don't know, i'd be happy to post in an other thread what are some of the common addresses / channels to utilize).

So much to my surprise other than the 3 continous monitors (CCM/Fuel Trim/Misfire) and 1 non-cont monitor (evap, which oddly sets almost instantly), I can not get any of the monitors to run to completion.

Upon further testing and investigation it was discovered that this vehicle was once equipped with a forced induction package (super-charged) along with being ECM "tuned", which of course was removed prior to selling without the new owner knowing. I could not determine who or whom was the tuner>>> but somehow the OBD II has been "tricked" to the point that one can disconnect any componeat without even triggering a fault... infact even with the airmass disconnected it runs like a bat out of hell !

I first looked into the possiblity of re-flashing the PCM... but could not find any such flash available to us independants via the factory (VAS 5054 or J2534). A call to our local dealer was made and they assured me that the could restore the original settings... only to be told 2 days (and $150.00) that they could not and a new PCM (ECU) would be req'd.

I took it back and located a donor (used, exact #'s) ecu, not knowing where the OBD II protocol is located, I decided to read and transfer the eprom from the orig to the donor. Which on the onset seemed sucessful>>>> vehicle immo light went out and started.... I let it run for awhile while I preped to generate readiness, when I noticed that I was low on fuel. Drove to the Gas station (ran great!), put fuel in, drove back and let it run while I got my laptop out >>>> the engine died and could not be restarted >>> no codes, no spark, no injector pulse >>> immo light behaves normal >>> will come on for a second then goes out>>> no codes in immo, key is recognised, start is authorized. Since I knew the SKC for the vehicle and the donor ecu, I put the donor unit back to its original state and proceeded install / code the donor ecu via vag-com. All indicated a succesful initialization.. no immo or pcm faults... but no start condition still.

So where did I go wrong! Something I should have done ?, something in the flash as well (AM29F400BB) ? I was reluctant do so, cuz I thought OBD II was contained there. Has anybody ran into this before? customer is driving his car with the original ecu while I re-group..... he would surely like to get his car regristered or back to seller or buy new ecu.

Any thoughts ??? If you stuck it out and read it..... Thanks in advance for you patience !!

17th August, 2010, 02:04 PM
Sounds like new problem. start from point 'A' again . Are you using a VAG scanner or generic obd reader? Eitherway no spark no injector pulse = No crankshaft reference / check for cranking rpm (engine speed sensor faulty???)

18th August, 2010, 06:44 AM
May-be I wasn't to clear>>> not wanting to play / damage the original ecu (plus the fact the client wants to re-install his "tuned" ecu after he's able to finish the title transfer and use the donor anytime he has to renew his "smog test") I choose to install a donor ecu. At first everything appeared to go as planed>>>> but alas although all the data indicates that it should run, it does not (yes we have various scanners that have access to VAG products as well as VAS5054 and VCDS- Vag-com) In the data stream of the donor ecu one can see RPM as well as Injector pulse, but the engine has none. Re-installation of the original ecu proves the engine can run and infact comparison of the data between the two is identical>>> just won't run with the donor, eventhough it did for about 30 min. I come to the thought that I must have not done something wrong or incomplete when I transfered the dump of the orig eprom to the donor (i've compared the two many times and thier identical)>>> may-be theres something I needed to do with the flash as well >>> but not knowing or wanting to transfer the problem the orignal is having. I even went as far as swapping eproms original to donor and it won't run. I have not tried the other for fear of "killing" the orignal ecu >>>> Any idea's ???

18th August, 2010, 02:52 PM
The larger companies modify the serial eeprom as well - 8 pin chip seperate to the 29F400b and you really need the cars original data restored in that. I have a thread here with an R32 motor & ECU swap with APR's crap on it. I put a stock rom on the ECU and it would not start at all

That doesn't explain why the donor ECU started and then died though -weird

18th August, 2010, 04:42 PM
If both ecus are identical post 95160 eprom dump from new ecu and you will get skc code so you can adapt new ecu to the car.95160 8pin eprom opposite side of PSOP eprom right bottom corner.

20th August, 2010, 09:58 AM
If both ecus are identical post 95160 eprom dump from new ecu and you will get skc code so you can adapt new ecu to the car.95160 8pin eprom opposite side of PSOP eprom right bottom corner.

I also tried this (had already got the SKC pin from each ecu). Everything in the datasteam of immo and engine confrimed adaptation was correctly completed, cluster immo light behaved normal (on 1sec then off) but only cranks.... no run condition.... My only thought is that I tried this proceedure after my problem surfaced from my initial method of only transfering the dump from my original to my donor....inwhich it did run for 30 min....afterwards I returned the donor ecu to its orinal state and tried the SKC method.... so maybe something was damaged in the flash or needed something else ???

20th August, 2010, 10:12 AM
The larger companies modify the serial eeprom as well - 8 pin chip seperate to the 29F400b and you really need the cars original data restored in that. I have a thread here with an R32 motor & ECU swap with APR's crap on it. I put a stock rom on the ECU and it would not start at all

That doesn't explain why the donor ECU started and then died though -weird

I too have seen some of the sub-standard work that APR puts out..... but I could not confrim that original ecu was their work (hell it runs like a bat out of hell). I have a local tuner that is a authorized reseller of their stuff as well as other suppliers.. and he check'd it and could not id it as any of the vendors he represents.
I did not get to read through all of your thread....might be a maintence thing cuz only the first page of 5 ? was viewable (I'll try again latter) .... So what was your outcome ??? I still think theres something more thats missing from our view/approach.
I think if i had a copy of the original config (program) and load it...I'd be fine... but of course I need the dump of the flash/rom and eprom ???

20th August, 2010, 12:24 PM
It could be one of the other brands not just APR. I know in the case of the one we worked on one of the other companies was able to overwrite with their stock mapping and eeprom data then we just had to 'adapt' the ECU with vagcom to suit the immobiliser. We can now of course flash it with whatever we wish.

We had two other cases recently with locked MED9.1 ecus and we we've sent cars back to APR to have the data in the serial eeprom put back to stock so they can do it if they feel like it. This applies to the trial tunes too, they totally rewrite both chips. I assume the same applies to say GIAC/REVO and Unitronic but how do you identify the culprit ?
unfortunately I'm unable to find how to obtain the stock immo chip contents but its something I'll be working on. I can get pretty much any of the stock ECU files though but its no use without the immo
It might not be this at all of course but its worth knowing. If your local guy can overwrite the ecu you might be lucky. It wouldn't hurt to save a copy of both with BDM first though just in case

23rd August, 2010, 08:42 AM
Chaser....Thanks for your input, and you were right the ecu could not be over written nor read.

Customer could not wait any more and had the dealer install a new ecu ($1,200.00 +labor) plus paid a "core" charge cuz he keep the original control unit.

I asked him if I could save the dumps of the new control unit, but he is reluctant to do so.... cuz it would void his warranty on his new and expensive ecu. So I guess I'll have to wait or will never know what an alternate solution is out there for us indepentants. If someone runs across or knows of a solution... please let the rest of us know.

Thanks to all for your time !!!