View Full Version : Web server SCN Coding

28th August, 2010, 12:00 AM
Do anybody can help me how configuration my Das to access at Star Browerser. But to Internet Browerser it has access or it is working well:coffin:

28th August, 2010, 03:57 AM
I haven't tried it yet but i think you need to go to MB website and make an account and choose for how long. Pay for the least amount of days and try it. I would like to know what happens

2nd September, 2010, 11:33 PM
they don't give the access to every body

3rd September, 2010, 12:14 AM
as far as i know access is limited to authorized workshop only.

if someone from the workshop gives his username and password, then u can access and download the data.

search the internet then u can get people to give you the access and password.