View Full Version : Need some basic help

13th September, 2010, 07:01 PM
Hello everybody, I've been reading this forum for a while and it is the best and has been very helpful. I'm trying to learn and would appreciate it very much if someone could help me out.

I recently purchased a GQ-4X programmer, hot air rework station and 3m test clip. I have a 2002 honda civic cluster to practice with 93c56 chip. I am using Tachosoft and a hex editor. I have successfully removed the chip and attached it to the clip and programmer.

I will attach screenshots and the actual bin file.

From my programmer's software there are 3 options for 93c56:

93c56A (8BIT)
93c56B (16BIT)
93c56C (8BIT)

I tried all 3 and the 93c56C 8 bit option is giving me the best read. I see something very close to the string Tachosoft is telling me to replace. Am I doing this right so far?

This is the hex code that comes up when I hit read:


Tachosoft shows this for this car:


So, the next step is to convert the mileage value I want into Hexadecimal? Let's say I want 105,000 miles.. Tachosoft's calculator says that 105,000km = 19A2E65D
So what do I do? Edit both lines 00E0 AND 00F0 to repeat 19A2E65D over and over? I am very confused about this.
Looking at the current hex code I read from the chip, how do I figure out what mileage it is currently at? Please someone help me out, I want to learn how to do this the right way on my own, any and all help is appreciated! Thank you!

13th September, 2010, 07:24 PM
I have edited the file to the mileage you want. Compare with your file and you will get the idea.


13th September, 2010, 07:42 PM
I see what you did. What I don't understand is how 19A2E65D = 105,000. How can I learn about the logic behind it? Thank you.

13th September, 2010, 07:58 PM
hi mate.

you can google stuff like this How-To - Miscellaneous - Understanding the Hexadecimal Number System 2 (http://www.pcnineoneone.com/howto/hex2.html)

13th September, 2010, 09:32 PM
can you exsplain how to convert actual milage into hex i have tryed vith upper metod and have not succeded
give one easy example

13th September, 2010, 10:42 PM
hi mate its not as simple as u think a honda is probably the easiest to do i will explain mileage divided by number of bytes in mileage incription then connvert to hex.then hex value xor with ffff that gives u check sum -1 .
for example 105000km divided by 16 = 6562.5 then press hex value is 19a2 then xor with ffff value is e65e then - 1 value now e65d so mileage incription is 19a2e65d hope that helped not all are that easy

milesbetteroff here to help

14th September, 2010, 07:31 AM
hi mate its not as simple as u think a honda is probably the easiest to do i will explain mileage divided by number of bytes in mileage incription then connvert to hex.then hex value xor with ffff that gives u check sum -1 .
for example 105000km divided by 16 = 6562.5 then press hex value is 19a2 then xor with ffff value is e65e then - 1 value now e65d so mileage incription is 19a2e65d hope that helped not all are that easy

milesbetteroff here to help

19a2 xor ffff value e65d -1 value e65c
I think?

14th September, 2010, 06:13 PM
When I try to save the new code back to the chip I get the error VerifyFailed, Address=0x000002, Device=0x00, Buffer=0xE0 any idea what i'm doing wrong?

15th September, 2010, 02:51 AM
please anybody, any ideas?

15th September, 2010, 09:16 AM
please anybody, any ideas?
mate , these things are not so simple as you think or as you wish to be.
It?s very easy to damage one cluster just when you just read and write one simple eeprom.
Did you check if your eeprom has setting for org pin like x8 or x16 on cluster???
bad reading ... bad writting ... dead cluster :banghead:

15th September, 2010, 10:30 AM
No, I did not.. unfortunately I have no idea what an org pin is, could you explain? I desoldered the chip, I didn't do it onboard if that makes a difference. Luckily this is a cluster for me to practice on... if I did damage the chip... I can erase the chip, I can write to it, but it fails to verify.. when I read what it did read is slightly different from the adjusted hex file...

15th September, 2010, 11:41 AM
When I try to save the new code back to the chip I get the error VerifyFailed, Address=0x000002, Device=0x00, Buffer=0xE0 any idea what i'm doing wrong?

that error is coused by your programmer ask in mcuall.com forum about that error

16th September, 2010, 01:49 AM
that error is coused by your programmer ask in mcuall.com forum about that error

ok, I will try that, thanks.

16th September, 2010, 04:35 AM
that error is coused by your programmer ask in mcuall.com forum about that error
mcuall.com doesn't exist. Please correct an address. Thank you

16th September, 2010, 05:27 AM
mcuall.com doesn't exist. Please correct an address. Thank you

its mcumall.com

16th September, 2010, 07:08 AM
its mcumall.com
Doesent matter site name. This tool is a big shit.

18th September, 2010, 10:20 AM
Hi USERNAME59, it could be that you write back to chip x8, instead of x16. Or other way. You did reading both ways. I had that before. Writing was with errors and readings different. Hope will help.

18th September, 2010, 10:23 AM
will try all new features with upgrade

20th September, 2010, 10:34 AM
When I try to save the new code back to the chip I get the error VerifyFailed, Address=0x000002, Device=0x00, Buffer=0xE0 any idea what i'm doing wrong?

Yes decrease the speed you use for writing. Try +1, 0, -1, -2 and see what works. Also make sure you have a good contact to all the pins. If still having problems EEPROM is bad, buy new ones on eBay 10pcs/$10.

One more thing, use quality USB cable!

27th September, 2010, 07:35 AM
Yes, I have tried everything still doesn't verify.. I'm guessing something is wrong with the chip. So, if I can't get an accurate write / verify to the chip.. I'm guessing I probably gotta a corrupt read in the first place.. I will have to buy some new chips and try them. Anybody have or know where I can find a dump for a 2002 honda civic?

Thanks for the tips and help everyone.

27th September, 2010, 08:19 AM
I see what you did. What I don't understand is how 19A2E65D = 105,000. How can I learn about the logic behind it? Thank you.

Very easy this one mate

105000/16 = 6562,5 HEX = 19A2 XOR FFFF = E65D
total 19A2E65D

27th September, 2010, 04:59 PM
Anybody have or know where I can find a dump for a 2002 honda civic?

Try your dump first, see if everything works, it does not look all that bad to me compare to the dumps I got. Than if you have a problem ask for help.

28th September, 2010, 10:24 AM
well you probably make same mistake what I still sometime do...first step should be..

identify youre chip..this is 93c56..download data for him,now you will see in data that pin 5(maybe) is organisation pin..read in datasheat what you will see is IF this pin is conect to ground then organisation is 8 byt. so check on youre pcb where is org.pin conected..this aply to whole 93 series..IF chip is organized as 8 then you must read/write it as 8..
second step..NOTE youre actual mileage,then read youre chip,put youre actual mileage in calculator sw.and check is it same as youre reading..this is the way how we control that sw.work corectly small diference is alowed like 100-200 km..and last advice..in begining try to use new eprom..in case you ****up original data there is original eprom for repair..

28th September, 2010, 05:23 PM
well you probably make same mistake what I still sometime do...first step should be..

identify youre chip..this is 93c56..download data for him,now you will see in data that pin 5(maybe) is organisation pin..read in datasheat what you will see is IF this pin is conect to ground then organisation is 8 byt. so check on youre pcb where is org.pin conected..this aply to whole 93 series..IF chip is organized as 8 then you must read/write it as 8..
second step..NOTE youre actual mileage,then read youre chip,put youre actual mileage in calculator sw.and check is it same as youre reading..this is the way how we control that sw.work corectly small diference is alowed like 100-200 km..and last advice..in begining try to use new eprom..in case you ****up original data there is original eprom for repair..

Thanks, that was helpful.. do you know where I can get the datasheet?

28th September, 2010, 08:47 PM
Thanks, that was helpful.. do you know where I can get the datasheet?

for youre sake I hope nobody see this youre questio?????

type it in google and at least 15 sites will open instantly with pdf for 93xx...

how time will pass you will have youre own database for so many memory chip that you dont need internet for small task..I have database in workshop so IF you CANT find on net data for 93 I will post it...but other folks here will make fun from us..so please try..its easy..

29th September, 2010, 12:53 AM
for youre sake I hope nobody see this youre questio?????

type it in google and at least 15 sites will open instantly with pdf for 93xx...

how time will pass you will have youre own database for so many memory chip that you dont need internet for small task..I have database in workshop so IF you CANT find on net data for 93 I will post it...but other folks here will make fun from us..so please try..its easy..

Of course I am not that stupid, just wanna make sure I get the correct information. Thats why I ask people who know much more than me. That's what this site is for, correct?

I don't know much about this stuff so I asked to make sure I get the right info.


there's one I found, would this info be standard for all 93c56 chips?
