View Full Version : TunerPro V5 Innovate Plug-In C++ programming Any?

24th September, 2010, 12:59 PM
Anyone that can C++ programming in order to write a TunerPro v.5 Plug-In for Innvoate Serial Protocol 2 ?
Here is a copy of the Innovate Serial Protocol 2 for the Innovate LC-1 and the MTS system. It says that this will also work for LM-1 (Serial Protocol 1).
http://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/download/Number/5759/filename/Seriallog-2.pdf (http://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/download/Number/5759/filename/Seriallog-2.pdf)
http://www.jobyteknik.homeip.net/pellets/mts/seriallog-2.pdf (http://www.jobyteknik.homeip.net/pellets/mts/seriallog-2.pdf)

TunerPro v.5 Plug-In Development can be found here:
TunerPro and TunerPro RT - Plug-in Development (http://www.tunerpro.net/pluginDevelopment.htm)