View Full Version : Kangoo sirius32 29F200 is the only for immo?

28th September, 2010, 10:16 AM
Hi everybody,
I replace the 29F200 from old ECU to new ECU because the old have board defective on his power.
First,the car start correctly friday and now on monday, it don't wan't start, cylinder are plenty of fuel and no sparkles.
There is light on board from old default since friday and now, always the same but with no start

Question is : is there an little memory like 24CXX or 93CXX that I have not see in the ECU?? (It will explain my problem)

I need help !

29th September, 2010, 02:13 PM
Question is : is there an little memory like 24CXX or 93CXX that I have not see in the ECU??f

....Nope :).

29th September, 2010, 04:29 PM
I see C042 and other is an ref unknow...
So, when I try to read C042 as 24C02 or 24C04, it plenty of FF.... I clean pin but no diff....

The first dump is the original, no understand if there is no memory above that it s immo again ...
With the first ECU, car start again...

29th September, 2010, 06:36 PM
Maybe you are needing glass to read better :) not exist another device memory into s32.

29th September, 2010, 07:43 PM
Just check the soldered legs of your 29F200; you might forget one or two legs, or the soldering isn't matched well, it happens when the number of teh legs is important (44 in your case).

30th September, 2010, 09:52 AM
I'll take an another dump and write it again with the original dump... I'll post the return...

thanks @ all


7th October, 2010, 12:44 PM
Kangoo is done now, the coil was in short circuit.
So, I can't arrive to erase d?fault with OBD for miss fired in cyliner one. I want to clear default from dump
Where are the adress to clear in 29F200BB _sirius 32 N ?
Thanks !

9th October, 2010, 02:04 PM
the coil and his sensor was defective. All is good, car work good now.....
Thank @ all