View Full Version : What port to use for 93c66

19th October, 2010, 01:01 AM
Hi m8
What port to use on the 93cx6 board to read 93c66 chip? I'm using Tacho .

super jumbe
19th October, 2010, 02:47 AM
We need more info what kind of car, cluster type, etc, I know I have done one some time ago it was sprinter VDO chip 93C66 I used port 1 but as I say please clarify the model of the car.


19th October, 2010, 04:20 AM
I used port 0, read fine, but I'm having problems editing the dump. I created another thread, asking for someone to edit it for me. When I did it it read 19,890 miles insteat of the wanted 96,000 miles.