View Full Version : Softmodded Done! Now, next stage...

24th October, 2010, 12:58 PM

So thanks to a couple of very cool people, i have successfully softmodded my Wii 3.2

At the moment i am currently running games from discs but want to buy an external HDD, seen this drive, 500gb, http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/product/665649/HITACHI-XL-500-DESKTOP?cm_sp=FeatureEnd-_-3.5_inch_Desktop_Hard_Drive-_-position . That should do fine, right? unless you know a store that is cheaper (not online store as i want it now! :D)

Right so, once i have my USB HDD.

1) Do i simply just 'drop' the ISO and or WBFS files onto it?

2) Obviously i will need a loader, seen one that shows the games covers, how do i go about getting/using that?

3) Do i then transfer everything from my SD Card (keeping the structure) onto the HDD or do i leave the SD Card in?


24th October, 2010, 01:54 PM

So thanks to a couple of very cool people, i have successfully softmodded my Wii 3.2

At the moment i am currently running games from discs but want to buy an external HDD, seen this drive, 500gb, Buy HITACHI XL-500 DESKTOP | 500gb desktop hard drive - Specification | Comet (http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/product/665649/HITACHI-XL-500-DESKTOP?cm_sp=FeatureEnd-_-3.5_inch_Desktop_Hard_Drive-_-position) . That should do fine, right? unless you know a store that is cheaper (not online store as i want it now! :D)

Right so, once i have my USB HDD.

1) Do i simply just 'drop' the ISO and or WBFS files onto it?

2) Obviously i will need a loader, seen one that shows the games covers, how do i go about getting/using that?

3) Do i then transfer everything from my SD Card (keeping the structure) onto the HDD or do i leave the SD Card in?

Read this post http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f16/folowed-sotmod-4-3-now-want-add-hdd-166949/ and if you need any further instructions just reply here and I'm sure you find plenty more help. You should find all the links to everything you will need.

24th October, 2010, 02:49 PM
i got a 1tb Iomega from comet for?50 and partitioned it 500gig for pc and 500gig for wii,its not the best name but works fine