View Full Version : Mercedes Class A Start Error

26th October, 2010, 04:15 PM
Hi freind's, please i need help to remove the START ERROR from Mercedes A Class year 2000, ecu is BOSCH
A028 545 63 32
CR 1.2 1.7L 4ZYL
eeprom inside is 24C04
I post the dump here, please any solution for this from eeprom because i don't have star diagnosis, thank's a lot in advance

26th October, 2010, 05:45 PM
its a bit difficult to say what to do...because it can be everything... like transponder is lost... or the coil has no contact and so dont read the transponder.. or the dump in the immo or ecu can be wrong.. did you do a shorttest of the car?

please post more info so we can help

26th October, 2010, 05:56 PM
yes and there is no fault code stored, the prob begin when the battery was dead for 2 days, and when we have change it this prob appears, it's only battery prob

26th October, 2010, 06:00 PM
we have put a new battery now

26th October, 2010, 06:19 PM

26th October, 2010, 06:20 PM
i had same problem on sprinter... the car had bad bettery and then appeared star error.. i used a programm to repair the start error 1.3 that i downloaded here.. and the car worked.. but before i looked for the values of the immo and the ECU acourding to the autorisation.. and those values were very weared..

the car saw the trasponder.. and accepted it.. but the ECU and IMMO did not comunicate with each other...

so i checked the can bus.. beetween them.. and it was ok.. so the only possiblity was in my case that dump is not ok..

if i were you i would check first the values if immo and ecu .. to see what is the problem.. the errors in the shorttest seldom gives you good help..

26th October, 2010, 07:59 PM
okay freind's, will check and report, thank's

26th October, 2010, 08:20 PM

Now that u don't have star diagnosis upload file from both ecu and immo and lets give a try,


27th October, 2010, 02:07 PM
thank's freind's i try this afternoon and report

14th October, 2015, 02:15 PM
hay fhiends a need dump flach class A0285456332 thankes