View Full Version : Guitar Hero 6 Problems...

2nd December, 2010, 09:23 PM

Having some problems with trying to get GH6 running on my Wii...

Using NeoGamma to run it from disk, with IOS246 56 v20 installed.

It shows the Health and Safety screen, then the Guitar Hero splash screen, but then comes up with a message saying "Disc error - the disc cannot be read" - or words to that effect.

Anybody got any ideas??


3rd December, 2010, 11:20 AM

Having some problems with trying to get GH6 running on my Wii...

Using NeoGamma to run it from disk, with IOS246 56 v20 installed.

It shows the Health and Safety screen, then the Guitar Hero splash screen, but then comes up with a message saying "Disc error - the disc cannot be read" - or words to that effect.

Anybody got any ideas??

CheersTake a look here (http://www.wiihacks.com/wii-games/69298-guitar-hero-6-warriors-rock-guide.html)