View Full Version : VmWare COM Setting for STAR DIAGNOSIS issue

17th December, 2010, 02:11 PM

I managed to install DAS 11-2010 on VmWare, and all is OK except one thing - DAS can not detect the multiplexor. I followed the video guide for installing DAS and at the end I did everything as shown in the video. However, DAS shows error "501.9551". I think the problem is with my VmWare settings, because when I try with HyperTerminal I don't see any characters.
The COM port settings are the same on the host and on the virtual machine (baudrate 115200 and so on).
Could someone please check my VmWare settings and tell me what is wrong?

17th December, 2010, 07:40 PM
Hey m8 I use com 1 on host and com 2 on virtual.

18th December, 2010, 01:22 PM
Hey m8 I use com 1 on host and com 2 on virtual.

Could you please send me sone screenshots to check your settings? Do you see any problem with my screenshots?

18th December, 2010, 02:26 PM
What sort of a Com port do you have, a native port on the laptop, PCMCIA adapter or a USB adapter?

How does your Caesar self-test look like?

18th December, 2010, 06:43 PM
What sort of a Com port do you have, a native port on the laptop, PCMCIA adapter or a USB adapter?

How does your Caesar self-test look like?

The laptop has a real COM Port.
Caesar says "unit not found".

My problem is that the Virtual Machine is not using the COM Port of the host machine. I tried with HyperTerminal - nothing comes to the COM Port :( . If I use HyperTerminal on the host - it is OK.

I am sure it is some problem with my settings, but I don't have much experience with VmWare and don't know what it is.

18th December, 2010, 07:15 PM
I have noticed that virtual machine must be running already when you connect the rs232 to the computer. If you start the virtual machine with tester connected, DAS can't connect.

Have you checked that your serial port is connected to virtual machine?

Here is my .vmx-file for comparison. With these settings everything works with my tester.

18th December, 2010, 09:13 PM
Thanks, here is my vmx file too. I think my settings are correct. I think my settings are the same as yours. Maybe the problem is because of the version of my VmWare: 7.1.3 build-324285

Could it also be a problem that the host is Windows 7 and the virtual is Windows XP?

18th December, 2010, 10:34 PM
I think my settings are the same as yours.

I do not know what is correct for VMWare but I did not find the two settings the same (unless they are effectively the same).

serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileType = "thinprint"
serial1.present = "TRUE"
serial1.fileName = "COM2"

the other:
serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileType = "device"
serial0.fileName = "COM2"
serial0.autodetect = "FALSE"

I mostly use a T30 myself but recently I played with VMWare and without any expertise it seemed too much of a hit and miss. With proper experience the results are likely stable. The serial port was my only detail that I did not find stable enough. Any advice from this thread would be welcome.

19th December, 2010, 06:33 AM
Thanks, here is my vmx file too. I think my settings are correct. I think my settings are the same as yours. Maybe the problem is because of the version of my VmWare: 7.1.3 build-324285

Could it also be a problem that the host is Windows 7 and the virtual is Windows XP?

What happens if you try using your virtual machine with my vmx-file? Of course you have to change some file names in it before using it.

With your virtual machine running, click "VM" and "Removable Devices". Do you see Serial Port and is it connected?

I too have Windows 7 as host and virtual machine is XP so I don't think that is a problem.

I have found that if installing DAS is difficult, just as difficult is getting Star connected thru virtual machine...:stickyman: But it can be done.

19th December, 2010, 09:11 AM
I have found that if installing DAS is difficult, just as difficult is getting Star connected thru virtual machine...:stickyman: But it can be done.

My experience is extremely limited with VMWare but I can already share the above. Actually installing DAS is straightforward compared to getting the serial port working with VMWare.

I once started with the image converter from a working T30 setup and never got the serial port working. I then had DAS installed on top of an existing XP SP3 image and the serial port started to work. But the T30 "copy" did not work even if I copied the vmx-file settings from the version that worked.

Quite likely a user mistake but for me at least it was a complete mystery.

20th December, 2010, 11:01 AM
I do not know what is correct for VMWare but I did not find the two settings the same (unless they are effectively the same).

serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileType = "thinprint"
serial1.present = "TRUE"
serial1.fileName = "COM2"

the other:
serial0.present = "TRUE"
serial0.fileType = "device"
serial0.fileName = "COM2"
serial0.autodetect = "FALSE"

I mostly use a T30 myself but recently I played with VMWare and without any expertise it seemed too much of a hit and miss. With proper experience the results are likely stable. The serial port was my only detail that I did not find stable enough. Any advice from this thread would be welcome.

That did the trick!
I used the settings for Serial0 and erased all settings from Timppasa for Serial1 in the VMX file. Everything is perfect now.
Moral of the story: Don't trust the "Settings Editor" of VmWare. Use Notepad if you want to configure your machine correctly.

Thanks, friends!

20th December, 2010, 08:26 PM
Hi there!,

I want to know why can be usefull to installl software under a virtual machine.... for running Win XP in your new laptops???... or there is any important reason for using a virtual machine?

Thanks for the comments!

20th December, 2010, 09:09 PM
I have several DAS versions and I can use which ever I want just by starting that particular virtual machine. Also I have one virtual machine for Citroen and another one for Autodata, Alldata etc.

With VMWare you can also take snapshots. When you are updating DAS and Xentry for example, you can take snapshot and if something goes wrong, you can go back to that earlier version in less than a minute.

20th December, 2010, 09:39 PM
I have several DAS versions and I can use which ever I want just by starting that particular virtual machine. Also I have one virtual machine for Citroen and another one for Autodata, Alldata etc.

With VMWare you can also take snapshots. When you are updating DAS and Xentry for example, you can take snapshot and if something goes wrong, you can go back to that earlier version in less than a minute.

I would not have thought of those advantages, quite relevant. One more is the one innovateq already touched: a computer with DAS installed is not good for ordinary PC work, windows gets too much crippled and other applications may disturb DAS/Xentry. With VM an ordinary computer can be used for diagnosis if the owner does not want to by a specific computer for that task (like if he needs diagnosis tools only rarely).

I believe Chinese multiplexer sellers often prefer VM because it allows them to use the same hard drive content for all customers.

I guess downsides should be mentioned too. Again I'm not an expert but I understand VM setup is not equally stable or reliable with all possible tasks.

21st December, 2010, 05:52 AM
The only downside I have found is that you must have pretty fast computer, otherwise its too slow. I haven't had any reliability issues so far...:)

25th December, 2010, 05:09 PM
set virtual vmware as com port 2 like normal , and laptop as com port 1 . same speed.
and in vmware settings forward virtual com to real com of laptop.

25th December, 2010, 08:06 PM
set virtual vmware as com port 2 like normal , and laptop as com port 1 . same speed.
and in vmware settings forward virtual com to real com of laptop.

Do you know if this is essential or is it "just" a safe selection of settings? Last time I tried VMWare, I had both the host and the guest computer COM port set to COM2 and it seemed to work fine (very quick functional check only).

26th December, 2010, 09:38 AM
I have set inside windows dev manager vmware star : com2 for 115.000 bps , and in physical com of my windows laptop as com 1 for 115.000 bps.

28th December, 2010, 08:32 PM
I recently bought mb star 2010 from china and also have a lot of problems. The green led on the multiplexer does not work.Is it possible that the comport settings are not ok?

28th December, 2010, 08:59 PM
Do you have your mux conected to a car ?
If NO then the LED will not comes ON !

28th December, 2010, 09:24 PM
Yes everything is connected and checked

28th December, 2010, 10:15 PM
Any chance to get another OBD2-MUX cable for test ?
The power supply for the mux is delivered by this cable. If the cable is broke you will not have your mux powered.
If the cable is ok then probably a mux problem...not necessary a major one...loose connections , unsoldered cables. A lot to dig for a final conclusion. Anyway if you are not a hardware solver guy I would suggest you to try to contact your supplier for a refund or a replacement.
Good Luck

28th December, 2010, 11:09 PM
Thanks i will check the cable tomorrow.

9th January, 2011, 09:37 PM
good night what kind of multiplexing utilizais thanks

21st September, 2016, 09:54 AM
Hello Guys,
just another question please... what kind of USB to rs232 converters do you use? I tried already with three different converters and I cannot get the multiplexer working.
host- win7
VMWare virtaul machine- WinXP with DAS 12.2014