View Full Version : Mileage in key audi

27th December, 2010, 11:35 AM

I heard that the mileage in the new Audi cars also been stored in the key.
A friend of my told that the dealer checked the mileage, by putting the the key in a sort of ring, and 5 sec later he see the orginal mileage.
Anyone know more about this ?
It looks like, that when you changed it in edc and cluster, the mileage still is in key.

27th December, 2010, 02:03 PM
I dont think is like that,the key must comunicate with one module for ex EWS on BMW ,if you look on Audi Is not that type of module.

27th December, 2010, 09:04 PM

I heard that the mileage in the new Audi cars also been stored in the key.
A friend of my told that the dealer checked the mileage, by putting the the key in a sort of ring, and 5 sec later he see the orginal mileage.
Anyone know more about this ?
It looks like, that when you changed it in edc and cluster, the mileage still is in key.

My best friend work in Audi . When I read your question just laughed :party:, it was a lie by Audi dealers talk.:D

27th December, 2010, 09:39 PM
Audi introduced this system with Audi A5. Dealer has special keyreader for it.

following data is stored:

- date and time of last storing
- mileage
- Parts like brakes are shown as ok or not ok
- level of cooling, wash water and brake fluid are shown as ok or not ok
- Service-Intervall in km and days
- Warnings like turnlights, oil-indicator are shown as ok or not ok

Values are written to key every day.
I have no experience if key takes new milage info after recalibration


27th December, 2010, 09:47 PM
We did mileage on a 2009 Audi A4 B8 which went for service thereafter. Everything was fine although we couldn't clear the service interval and as far as I know, the A4 key doesn't store mileage.