View Full Version : Another boxer problem

18th January, 2011, 10:19 PM
Please can someone on here help me, 2004 boxer (grey box), id48 chip. Owner attempted jump start, and now immo light is on, ive got pin and read 93lc56 but zedbull says dump not recognized, but is 256 bytes. what do i need to do to make it run again. i thought it only needed the keys recoding with mvp, but obviously there is more needs doing. is the dump corrupted ? and if so how do i fix it

18th January, 2011, 10:22 PM
Please can someone on here help me, 2004 boxer (grey box), id48 chip. Owner attempted jump start, and now immo light is on, ive got pin and read 93lc56 but zedbull says dump not recognized, but is 256 bytes. what do i need to do to make it run again. i thought it only needed the keys recoding with mvp, but obviously there is more needs doing. is the dump corrupted ? and if so how do i fix it

immo off is possible or to put virgin dump in immo box and recode again

18th January, 2011, 10:41 PM
I don't want to do immo off, i want to learn how it works and fix it properly

19th January, 2011, 10:37 PM
Has anyone got virgin or working dump?

19th January, 2011, 11:23 PM
last time i done one of these i had to order new immo box from dealer . immo box had been corrupted . installed new immo box programed keys coded to engine ecu job done.

20th January, 2011, 09:48 AM
most time the ariel around the ignation burn out,so there is no signal being sent to the immo. (key in on postion,when jumping the battery.)

20th January, 2011, 10:03 AM
write any c56 dump in immo,prepair keys and virgin BOSCH ECU(5P08)
post dump from Engin ECU and I will send you virgin dump and immo box dump if you don't have one(93lc56B)


20th January, 2011, 08:28 PM
thought you need to do flash as well(3 plug ecu only i think)

20th January, 2011, 10:36 PM
bump - spam- fetish-bump-spam-fetish-fetish

Did you fix this - bump-spam-fetish-fetish.

21st February, 2015, 10:51 PM

I'm looking for a virgin dump.... if somebody have it...

22nd February, 2015, 10:54 AM
If you want vergin immo stalk ninja123 under Citroen relay, if you want vergin ecu, look for emulator, read ibstrugtions, blank line ?? In. 95P08

23rd February, 2015, 01:11 AM
Please can someone on here help me, 2004 boxer (grey box), id48 chip. Owner attempted jump start, and now immo light is on, ive got pin and read 93lc56 but zedbull says dump not recognized, but is 256 bytes. what do i need to do to make it run again. i thought it only needed the keys recoding with mvp, but obviously there is more needs doing. is the dump corrupted ? and if so how do i fix it

Hi M8,
Your problem with zedbull is with the reading, must try reading again with 8bits and 16bits. I can?t remember which one works. i had same mistake in past.

