View Full Version : bmw e36 ews 2 - keys

1st February, 2011, 09:48 PM
key stopped working on this vehicle. read 2d47j mcu - dump attached. using zedbull making new keys but none of the keys 0 - 9 is accepted. ews is good load ews from another e36 - the second dump saying - deald e36 bin, is recognised and key is produced and clicks the ews checker. can anyone check why the keys in sayed bmw e36 does not accept or can you tell me how to allign a diff ews to this vehicle..


1st February, 2011, 09:53 PM
Both dumps are corrupted.
I don't see any data

2nd February, 2011, 12:45 AM
key stopped working on this vehicle. read 2d47j mcu - dump attached. using zedbull making new keys but none of the keys 0 - 9 is accepted. ews is good load ews from another e36 - the second dump saying - deald e36 bin, is recognised and key is produced and clicks the ews checker. can anyone check why the keys in sayed bmw e36 does not accept or can you tell me how to allign a diff ews to this vehicle..


EWS password: AD69BF359E79

I try to edit data EWS
But I think the VIN code is not correct.
Would you please give the 17 digit VIN code, I'll help you.

3rd February, 2011, 06:43 PM
thnak you. we started the car today. i made a key to the second ews dump - the one written deald. programmed a transponder to that dump. a frien of mine has an autologic machine. he alligned the ews and dme and car started up. i still do not know why the first dump does not recognise any of the keys. if i produce a key for first dump then the vin number shows vin: ABMCD18070AU46858. thanks

3rd February, 2011, 06:46 PM
for the deald dump the vin number is VIN: ABMCA98010NA05021. i succesfully made a key to this dump. the vehicle sarted .

4th February, 2011, 07:58 AM
First rule when reading any eeprom or MCU. ALWAYS take 3 readings of the chip, then you always have a backup when the first one decides not to work. I take 3 copies of every single chip I read, it only takes a few more seconds, even when in a hurry you must make yourself do it. This method has never failed me yet, be safe, not sorry. I know of so many people that read the chip once and then edit it and then reprogram the chip with the edited original file and then all goes wrong. Stupid thing to try, they are asking for trouble and usually get it.

4th February, 2011, 09:04 AM
How did you read this chip? Did u you have to take it off board? Can you read it directly with xProg?

5th February, 2011, 12:11 AM
Can anyone help me with it ? Its EWS2 HW01 SW01.

5th February, 2011, 12:58 AM
Can anyone help me with it ? Its EWS2 HW01 SW01.

Why not...
You must remove mcu from board