View Full Version : RangeRover P38 heater matrix / O ring problem

7th February, 2011, 11:08 PM
Decided to tackle the O rings on the heater matrix of my P38....managed to round the screw head...doh....
I was able to borrow some extraction tools to get out screw...and cocked up this part of the operation as well. Pre drilled screw was off centre.... next plan was to cut a slot in the screw head using a vibrating saw...worked a treat...but unable to turn screw(WD40 used) to scared to force the issue...

Assuming I mange somehow to remove screw but damage the surrounding plastic, is there any way to fix the damaged plastic....some sort of plastic weld or filler?

Anyone with any ideas on best way to remove screw....?

By the way the screw is in a far worse condition now than when this pic was taken


8th February, 2011, 08:13 PM

Corsa B side kick trims, screws are tighter than a car salesman called Dave.

Warm up with the largest soldering iron you can lay your hands on, for a few seconds.

Serves you right for owning one of the horrid things.

can you drill out said screw and put a tiny nut and bolt in, horrid thing otherwise would have check photo again.

8th February, 2011, 09:00 PM
Decided to tackle the O rings on the heater matrix of my P38....managed to round the screw head...doh....
I was able to borrow some extraction tools to get out screw...and cocked up this part of the operation as well. Pre drilled screw was off centre.... next plan was to cut a slot in the screw head using a vibrating saw...worked a treat...but unable to turn screw(WD40 used) to scared to force the issue...

Assuming I mange somehow to remove screw but damage the surrounding plastic, is there any way to fix the damaged plastic....some sort of plastic weld or filler?

Anyone with any ideas on best way to remove screw....?

By the way the screw is in a far worse condition now than when this pic was taken

I know it is too late but I bought a Snapon screw driver just for this job and it works a treat............back to your problem recon it is time to remove dashboard????

9th February, 2011, 11:08 PM
Drill the head off the screw. When apart you should be able to get pliers on it to get it out.

12th February, 2011, 02:29 AM
Had luck removing the heater core without removing the dash. Not bad at all. Here's a link I found and followed, although we welded and not bolted. Brazeau Racing - Range Rover P38 Heater Core Replacement (http://www.brazeauracing.com/rangerover/heater/index.html)

Much easier than removing the dash.

12th February, 2011, 05:00 PM
Much easier than removing the dash.

Awesome find, but you Americans have the steering on the wrong side