View Full Version : Marelli card code for emmergency start

12th February, 2011, 06:46 PM
hi ,

i wonder if it's possible to read code card in ducati ecu IAW5A ?
I saw some post concerning dash board.

In dash board i think it's no problem , but how to do it from ecu ?


virgin ecu

0x90 0000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000FFFFAE550000
0xA0 FFFFFFFFAC55F7FFB3552C0100007E54

encoded ecu(the same one after red key)

0x90 000017904601FFFF000000FF4EC51790
0xA0 4601FFFF4EC4F7FFB3552C0100007E54

14th February, 2011, 07:59 AM
post dashboard dump

regards Gepa

hi ,

i wonder if it's possible to read code card in ducati ecu IAW5A ?
I saw some post concerning dash board.

In dash board i think it's no problem , but how to do it from ecu



virgin ecu

0x90 0000FFFFFFFFFFFF0000FFFFAE550000
0xA0 FFFFFFFFAC55F7FFB3552C0100007E54

encoded ecu(the same one after red key)

0x90 000017904601FFFF000000FF4EC51790
0xA0 4601FFFF4EC4F7FFB3552C0100007E54

14th February, 2011, 11:54 AM
i haven't the dash board dump for now.
i think i can found the card code from the dash because it's not encrypted.

So there is no possibilities to find the code in ecu eep dump ?

if not , i'll check from the dash .