View Full Version : MG rover pektron remote barcode

31st March, 2011, 07:53 AM
hi guys,
A long shot i know, but does anyone know how to get the barcode from the fob on the pektron scu system?
Only reason I ask is i have found someone with over 10,000 new fobs but all without barcodes!!
regards the ninja

3rd April, 2011, 07:54 PM
Very good question.

Will try and make it a project.

Will have to find the maker of this, he must have a backdoor somewhere .


3rd April, 2011, 08:41 PM
ive tried, to no avail.
this guy i met also has a few hundred brand new virgin scu units, as well as (approx) 20-30 thousand fobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
According to him, he purchased what was left of xpart when rover went tits up.
He was supposed to come to my place with a rv8 and a svr last friday to prog sum fobs.
never turned up.
SO, i will be paying him a visit next week and hoping not to return empty handed!!

3rd August, 2018, 11:20 PM
Did something change in this case? I have brand new remote but I lost barcode for it and I need it for programming

16th January, 2019, 07:06 PM
Seems no need to buy newgenuine barcode remotes for these
Only use kdiy remote . precode and add to SCU ..

29th August, 2019, 03:05 PM
I have tried to programme a new aftermarket and genuine 3 button remote into the 54plate Rover streetwise, with the MVP and Smart Pro both say failed after entering the barcode.
The genuine remote was from 3d Group and aftermarket was Aldridge, i have done Mini's and Rover 75's with barcodes and never had a problem. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am thinking i will need to EEPROM? I have done a few of these on various vehicles but never without a transponder that needs writing on, how do i convert the barcode to Hex for the EEPROM.

I Have VVDI Prog and ZedFull at my disposal.


29th August, 2019, 07:00 PM
EEprom is MICROCHIP 93lc66 .
A good read will show you the vin number ..
Have you got universal KDIY or XHorse remotes or a contact for it ?
Generate new remote 315MHZ or 433MHZ under MG3 China ..
Program in the barcode with T300 or MVP ..
This works for me ..

If need i can add barcode to eeprom file .

If all remotes lost you will need to add barcode to the dump

5th September, 2019, 02:52 PM
EEprom is MICROCHIP 93lc66 .
A good read will show you the vin number ..
Have you got universal KDIY or XHorse remotes or a contact for it ?
Generate new remote 315MHZ or 433MHZ under MG3 China ..
Program in the barcode with T300 or MVP ..
This works for me ..

If need i can add barcode to eeprom file .

Ok yes we use keydiy regularly, i didnt even realise the remotes were on there, i will give that a go thanks.

3rd January, 2024, 07:12 AM
Hello MartynF

I know then topic begun long time ago , but still actual or Did you resolve problem ? Mean reprogram "old" one used fob's and reuse them again ? PierreTheron mention then is possible by T300 or MVP ? I also thinked about this soultion what Ninja123 suggest on first topic (i know 12 years later ;) .Please let me know this is possible or not ? somebode resolve this ? or we must use new fobs with bar code from producent ? Or another question somebody hear or programing a replacement for original YWC000360A like this one ?


19th January, 2024, 04:32 PM
Hello MartynF

I know then topic begun long time ago , but still actual or Did you resolve problem ? Mean reprogram "old" one used fob's and reuse them again ? PierreTheron mention then is possible by T300 or MVP ? I also thinked about this soultion what Ninja123 suggest on first topic (i know 12 years later ;) .Please let me know this is possible or not ? somebode resolve this ? or we must use new fobs with bar code from producent ? Or another question somebody hear or programing a replacement for original YWC000360A like this one ?


That is an KEy DIY aftermarket remote .(You use Key DIY machine to generate barcode
I use Hyundai shaped remotes and it works 100%