View Full Version : vito cdi start error

2nd April, 2011, 02:29 PM
hello to all.......
i have a prblem with a vito....
the customer went to put a new battery to his car because the old one was off and he saw to the display of the dash the start error again and he cant to start the car....he came to me and he told me that is the forth time that happens that.....the last time were before two months...he was to an other town and someone fixed it only by immo box.....now i put out the immobox and the ecu.....can i make totally immo off to this car?????i have upa and willem......
immo box temic 0265451732
inside xc68hc908az60
mask 8h62a
can i read it with upa???
ecu 5 plugs
inside 24c04 eeprom

i read it with upa
thanks in advance

2nd April, 2011, 04:17 PM
have you star diagnosis?

2nd April, 2011, 04:26 PM
Connect to immo box with UPA no probs no need to lift any legs on chip just direct connect , dont think posable to immo off, also is better to fix.

Thanks kev

2nd April, 2011, 04:39 PM
i havent got star diagnosis mate......only multidiag

i tried to read with upa,i did all the connections right,i lift pins reset irq1 but when i press auto baud rate begins properly and when arrives at (about 16..) says 1 error found........
what can i do???

2nd April, 2011, 06:00 PM
Emulator Immo MERCEDES CR1 only 37.42 ? - Group1 - Product Catalog - Us?ugi Elektroniczne Iwona Piotrowska - DIYTrade.com Free Website (http://elektronika.diytrade.com/sdp/1281299/4/pd-5648716/7534526-0/Emulator_Immo_MERCEDES_CR1_only_37_42.html)

2nd April, 2011, 06:01 PM
immobox damage,can this can help

3rd April, 2011, 05:54 PM
done few which emu pm me if need one (free)