View Full Version : Mazda 3 change ECU immo help

20th May, 2011, 09:00 AM
Hello friends have a problem with this Mazda.
original ECU is broken I change ECU but now have problem with immo
ECU_0281011534 edc16c....1.6HDI
same engine is used and PSA
in ECU is 95160 and dash 93c56
how can I synchronize them Help me
or if someone is working synchronized pending dump I just try to make key

20th May, 2011, 12:52 PM
I can not believe that nobody has done such a car
please tell me how to synchronize

23rd May, 2011, 04:23 AM
I believe u only have to change the dump in the ECU. Trying to proggram key right away will not work.

25th May, 2011, 08:09 PM

I'm working on the same issue. Put a used ECU in and tried coding keys w/ SBB to no avail.

Have you figured anyting out?

I'll post my results as well once I figure it out.

26th May, 2011, 08:10 AM

I'm working on the same issue. Put a used ECU in and tried coding keys w/ SBB to no avail.

Have you figured anyting out?

I'll post my results as well once I figure it out.
currently do not have success

28th May, 2011, 04:47 PM
Got it.

2008 Mazda 3 2.0L
LF7W 18 881B
Eeprom: 93A66

Just copy the contents of the dump from original ecu to new (used) ecu. Plug into car. Starts automatically, no need to code keys.

22nd August, 2012, 11:03 PM
hello people i have a big problem whit mazda3 2.0l i lost the infomation from ecu and dash i dont have the information if son body can help me pleace

23rd August, 2012, 09:42 PM
I can not believe that nobody has done such a car
please tell me how to synchronize


Easyst way - synchronization with IDS Ford/Mazda scaner.
And you need to recode injectors after.
I think, you can`t do this correctly manualy via hands in dump.