View Full Version : Personal Data Explore,[Plz Join]

20th May, 2011, 11:34 AM
Hello Friends ,Just got a simple idea to build and organize the whole SW,HW,Documents,photos,videos whom are distributed on my PC and it became too hard to get the file that I need in short time, also there are many useless files to be deleted and many needed files too , for getting a complete data+tools for each car brand , so at the end i will get my files organized + easy to access in short time + everything can run on my PC from one main exploring window ,and the most important is i can always see what am still missing to finish a complete tools+data for a certain car made/model at anytime by accessing its subfolders as shown on the attached pictures for this simple project which at the end I would like that you can join me to build our complete database.

thank you.

20th May, 2011, 12:09 PM
Nice...how to build database ? waht soft is this?

20th May, 2011, 12:19 PM
Nice...how to build database ? waht soft is this?

use an Excel file work sheet :D that's all.